Testing of different formulations of Gliocladium virens against chickpea wilt-complex

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  • A.K. TEWARI* and A.N. MUKHOPADHYAY Division of Plant Pathology, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar 263 145


Biological control, chickpea wilt-complex, formulations, Gliocladium virens, seed treatment


Out of seven different formulations of Gliocladium virens evaluated for their efficacy in preventing chickpea wiE-complex in glasshouse and field, six were found effective in controlling the disease. G. virens (Gv) remained viable in various formulations for three months at room temperature (20-3S0C) and six months at refrigerator temperature (SoC). The highest spore longevity (nine months) was observed with the formulation Gliocladium virens + Carboxymethyl cellulose. Seeds coated with various formulations were effective, except Gv+CaCO J in preventing chickpea wilt-complex in glasshouse and field. Of the various formulations, the preparation of Gv+CMC was found best in managing chickpea wilt-complex.




Research Articles

How to Cite

A.N. MUKHOPADHYAY, A. T. and. (2002). Testing of different formulations of Gliocladium virens against chickpea wilt-complex. Indian Phytopathology, 54(1), 67-71. https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IPPJ/article/view/18843