Integrated disease management for root rot and gummosis in Nagpur mandarin
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Studies were conducted to compare five different modules consisting fungicides, bio-agents, organic amendments with respect to management of gummosis and root rot in Nagpur mandarin caused by Phytophthora spp. An experiment was conducted selecting root rot and gummosis affected orchard during 2008-09 and 2009-2010. There was consistent reduction in population density from 24.33 cfu/cc soil in May 2008 to 6.20 cfu/cc soil in May 2010 of Phytophthora spp. in Module IV. Significant decrease in intensity of root rot and gummosis in Nagpur mandarin was recorded where intergrated management module (Module IV) was applied. Root rot intensity was reduced in this module from 36.18 % initially to 16.70 % at the end of the experiment. Similarly, significant reduction in gummosis up to 54.76 per cent was recorded in the same module.
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