Effect of Nala Bund on Groundwater Recharge

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  • S N Panwar Agril. Asstt., College of Agril. Engg., M.A.U. Parbhani
  • S R Kalbande Asstt. Prof., College of Agril. Engg., M.A.U. Parbhani
  • B W Bhuibhar Assoc. Prof., College of Agril. Engg., M.A.U. Parbhani
  • S B Jadhav Asstt. Prof., College of Agril. Engg., M.A.U. Parbhani


Nala bunds are embankments constructed across nala for checking velocity of runoff, increasing water percolation and improving soil moisture regime. Main objectives of nala bunding are to impound surface runoff coming from for catchments and to facilitate percolation of stored water into soil sub strata with a view to raise ground water level in the zone of influence of nala bund and to hold the silt flow which would otherwise reach the multipurpose reservoirs downstream and reduce their useful life. This paper discusses the constructional features of a nala bund in the Kutubkheda sub-watershed in the Dadegaon watershed in Aurangabad district comparing them with the standard design features and presents the impact of nala bund on soil erosion and groundwater recharge.









How to Cite

Panwar, S. N., Kalbande, S. R., Bhuibhar, B. W., & Jadhav, S. B. (2007). Effect of Nala Bund on Groundwater Recharge. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 44(1). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/JAE/article/view/14445