Date Moth Management in Date Palm: Current Status and Management Strategies in Algerian Arid Zones

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Date moth management in date palm


  • Billal Nia Center for scientific and technical research on arid areas


Date moth, date palm, damage, control methods, Algeria


In Algeria, the cultivation of the date palm constitutes a very important sector in the national economy. Tremendous development has occurred in the production and the repartition of date palm during the last three decades. Nevertheless, this culture is confronted with several problems, in particular phytosanitary issues such as bayoud disease, the date palm scale (Parlatoria blanchardi Targioni 1892), the yellow palm mite (Oligonychus afrasiaticus McGregor 1939) and the carob moth (Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller 1839). The latter is a major pest of dates in stored places and date palm groves causing considerable losses. Integrated pest management plan of carob moth should rely on diverse tactics. Several control methods were studied and they gave significant results however the main technique used currently by farmers is chemical control through the application of synthetic pesticides. Because of well reported issues with reliance on synthetic pesticides, practical alternatives are required.


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How to Cite

Nia, B. (2023). Date Moth Management in Date Palm: Current Status and Management Strategies in Algerian Arid Zones: Date moth management in date palm . Annals of Arid Zone, 62(4), 275-280.