Organoleptic and Nutritional Evaluation of Pearl Millet (Bio-Fortified, Var. HHB-299) Value Added Products

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Organoleptic evaluation of biofortified pearl millet


  • Dr. Poonam Kalash KVK-ICAR,CAZRI,JODHPUR
  • Dr. Pratibha Tewari 2Principal Scientist (Food & Nutrition)
  • Dr. S. Kachhawaha Subject Matter Specialist (Vet. Science)
  • Dr. B. S. Rathore Principal Scientist & Head
  • Savita Singhal


Organoleptic , Value Addition, Pearl Millet`


Pearl Millet is gluten free and important source of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals. It is rich in B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese.  It has high calories and greatly helps to growing children and pregnant women. Three Pearl Millet based value added food products (Bajra laddu, Bajra Cake & Bajra Mathari) were prepared. All the products were sensory evaluated using nine point hedonic scale and their Organoleptic acceptability was analyzed by panel member. Results showed that in different Samples of  Bajra laddu, Sample C ratio with P:MF:: 100:25 as scored (7.94±0.30),  In Bajra Cake (Sample A with ratio P:RF:: 25:100 as scored (8.460±.36) and  Bajra Mathri Sample- B ratio with  P:RF:: 50:50) as scored (8.04± 0.39) was Highly acceptable with  better sensory characteristic. All incorporated products (Laddus, cake and Mathri) had also better quality with respect to nutrition. The various parameters such as moisture, fat, crude protein, carbohydrate, crude protein and total ash were analyzed.


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Author Biographies

  • Dr. S. Kachhawaha, Subject Matter Specialist (Vet. Science)

    Krishi Vigyan kendra, CAZRI, JODHPUR

  • Dr. B. S. Rathore, Principal Scientist & Head

            Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur


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How to Cite

Dr. Poonam Kalash, Dr. Pratibha Tewari, Dr. S. Kachhawaha, Dr. B. S. Rathore, & Singhal , S. (2023). Organoleptic and Nutritional Evaluation of Pearl Millet (Bio-Fortified, Var. HHB-299) Value Added Products: Organoleptic evaluation of biofortified pearl millet. Annals of Arid Zone, 62(2), 155-159.