Development and Conservation of Water Resources for Agriculture in an Arid Environment: A Case Study of the Souf Oasis (Algerian Sahara)

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  • Bachir Khezzani Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, El-Oued University, Algeria Laboratory of Natural Resources and Development of Sensitive Environments, Oum El-Bouaghi University, Algeria Department of Natural Sciences and Life, Oum El-Bouaghi University, Algeria
  • Salah Bouchemal Institute of Urban Management Techniques, Oum El-Bouaghi University, PO Box 358, Algeria


In the majority of arid regions, the groundwater is the only source of water available for different uses. It is, however, depleting at very fast rate due to heavy dependence on groundwater for practically all purposes. Present study, highlights the problems of water resource depletion in Souf Oasis as a typical example. This Oasis has been known for sharp decline in the groundwater level, caused by the constant attrition of phreatic aquifer, particularly by the agricultural sector. The decline in groundwater level has led to many problems particularly, deterioration of traditional irrigation system (Ghout). The first part of the paper has concentrated on the rational use of available water resources and, second part focuses on research on alternative water resources such as, reuse or treatment of wastewater. This resource can be exploited directly for irrigation or indirectly through artificial recharge technique to support the available stock of phreatic aquifer.
Key words: Phreatic aquifer, artificial recharge, water scarcity, treated wastewater, agriculture, Souf Oasis.


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How to Cite

Khezzani, B., & Bouchemal, S. (2018). Development and Conservation of Water Resources for Agriculture in an Arid Environment: A Case Study of the Souf Oasis (Algerian Sahara). Annals of Arid Zone, 57(1 & 2).