Management of Pastures and Rangeland in Arid Western Rajasthan: A Review
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Ranges and pastures are the backbone of the arid zone animal rearing. Theclimatic adversities, fodder availability, large animal population in the region completely
depends on these pastures. Heavy grazing pressure, poor management and poor rainfall
conditions are only responsible for poor yield and low carrying capacity (0.68 ACU
ha-1) of these ranges and grasslands. The restoration by reseeding and introduction of
perennial grasses, shrubs and bushes are the only option for increasing the productivity.
Response to 20 kg N ha-1 application to grasses appeared to be favorable in arid regions
having less than 300 mm rainfall. Growing trees such as Prosopis cineraria, Acacia nilotica
and Zizyphus nummularia, and grasses Cenchrus ciliaris, C. setigerus, Dactyloctenium
scindicum, Panicum antidotale, and Lasiurus scindicus together has also been a traditional
practice in the Thar Desert. The agri-horti-silvicultural system having fruit trees + fodder
crops + fast growing nitrogen fixers tree species providing good fodder for animals is
another option for increasing the intensity of crops and increase productivity per unit
area. Additionally, grazing management like rotational grazing is most important for
maintaining the sustainable production.
Key words: Range management, pastures, grass cover, grazing management
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