Agro-morphological characterization of soybean germplasm
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Agro-morphological characterization, Germplasm, Soybean, TraitsAbstract
Two hundred seventy three germplasm lines of soybean including three checks (JS-97-52, Bragg and JS-335) were evaluated for agro-morphological charactersin an augmented block design at Raipur, Chhattisgarh. These traits belonged to two categories viz., qualitative-measured through visual observation like anthocyanin pigmentation (present and absent), flower colour, pod colour, leaf colour, etc and quantitative- measurable traits like plant height, size ofseed (100-seeds weight g), etc. The entire (273 genotypes) soybean under study showed wide range of genetic variation in respect to these traits. The frequency distributions of 20 agro-morphological characters showed variable range of characters. Most of the genotypes were distinguishable on the basis of characters published in the DUS guidelines.
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