Character association and path coefficient studies on capsule shattering related traits and yield attributing character in sesame

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  • MOHAMMED IMRAN College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751 003, Odisha
  • MANASI DASH College of Agriculture, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar-751 003, Odisha


Capsule shattering characters, Genetic divergence, Path analysis, Sesame


Thirty five sesame genotypes were evaluated for the estimation of heritability, correlation, path analysis and genetic divergence for twenty traits. High estimates of heritability were recorded for all characters. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance was recorded for characters capsule split before drying, retained seed weight, unattached and retained seed number. Seed yield showed a highly significant and positive correlation with branch number per plant, capsule number per plant, 1000-seed weight, unattached and retained seed number. The character potential seed weight contributed maximum towards genetic divergence. From the combined results of correlation coefficient and path analysis, it was observed that branch per plant; capsules per plant, 1000-seed weight, unattached and retained seed number are the major yield contributing characters to be given selection pressure for improving yield. Also the genotypes possessing combination of above characters should be used in a breeding program for obtaining desirable high yielding segregants.


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How to Cite

MOHAMMED IMRAN, & MANASI DASH. (2018). Character association and path coefficient studies on capsule shattering related traits and yield attributing character in sesame: CHARACTER ASSOCIATION AND PATH COEFFICIENT STUDIES IN SESAME. Journal of Oilseeds Research, 35(2).