Household fish consumption in relation to fishing practices and fish production in flood plains of Bangladesh

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  • Chu Fa Tsai University of Maryland System. Solomons. MD 20688. USA
  • Mohammad Youssuf Ali Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh
  • Kamrul Ahsan Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh
  • Sardar S Alam Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh


Situated in the Ganges River Delta,
Bangladesh has one of the richest and largest
flood-plain· systems in the world (Rahman
1989). Its total areawas'eltimated to b.: 2 946
953 ha, occupying 72.81 % of the inland water
area, and prooucfngltbout 50% of the total fish
production of inland open water capture
fisheries (Bangladesh Fisheries Resources
Survey System 1988).

Author Biographies

  • Chu Fa Tsai, University of Maryland System. Solomons. MD 20688. USA
    University of Maryland System. Solomons. MD 20688. USA
  • Mohammad Youssuf Ali, Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh
    Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh
  • Kamrul Ahsan, Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh
    Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh
  • Sardar S Alam, Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh
    Bangladesh Centrefor Advanced Studies. Dhallmolldi. Dhaka J 209. Bangladesh





How to Cite

Tsai, C. F., Ali, M. Y., Ahsan, K., & Alam, S. S. (2011). Household fish consumption in relation to fishing practices and fish production in flood plains of Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40(3), 181-188.