Evaluation of fungitoxicants against Alternaria alternata causing umbel blight disease of kala zeera (Bunium persicum)

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  • Z.A. BADRI*


Alternaria alternata, black caraway, blight, fungitoxicants, kala zeera


Six fungitoxicants both systemic (hexaconazole 5EC, myclobutanil 10WP & carbendazim 50WP @ 200, 300 & 400 ppm) and non-systemic (mancozeb 75WP, copper oxychloride 50WP & captan 50WP @ 2000, 3000 & 4000 ppm) were evaluated in vitro against Alternaria alternata (causing umbel blight disease of Kala zeera). Hexaconazole 5EC @ 300 & 400 ppm proved highly superior amongst the systemic fungitoxicants inhibited spore germination and mycelial growth of A. alternata while amongst non-systemic, mancozeb 75WP @ 3000 & 4000 ppm exhibited complete inhibition against the pathogen. In vivo evaluation of fungitoxicants revealed that hexaconazole 5EC @ 300 and 400 ppm was most effective in reducing the disease incidence (8.76 and 6.24 %) compared to control (31.72 %).




Research Articles

How to Cite

BADRI*, Z. (2013). Evaluation of fungitoxicants against Alternaria alternata causing umbel blight disease of kala zeera (Bunium persicum). Indian Phytopathology, 66(2), 195-198. https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IPPJ/article/view/29990