Non-Destructive Inspection of Mango Fruit Using Digital Radiography, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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  • Abhimannyu Kalne
  • Nachiket Kotwaliwale
  • Karan Singh
  • Vijay Kumar Singh


Mangoes, soft X-ray, computed tomography, MRI, internal disorders, nondestructive detection


Presence of seed weevil, internal physiological disorders and spongy tissues are undesirable internal features that are
often found in mangoes. Fruits affected by these defects many times do not show any external symptom, and thus
it is extremely difficult to sort out undesired fruits. Some major varieties of Indian mangoes were collected from
different parts of India and digital images were generated using soft X-ray radiography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Acquired images of fruits could be successfully used to differentiate healthy and defected fruits. Dark patches and irregular tissue patterns were prominently observed in defective fruits, while healthy fruits’ images showed uniform light grayness in the pulp part. It was also seen that the anomalies visible in digital images (radiograph, CT and MRI) represented the actual defects visible in physically cut cross-section mages. X-ray, CT and MR imaging techniques have a good potential to detect infested mangoes nondestructively, and can be further applied in processing industry and in export trade as a quality inspection tool, thereby improving the quality of mango fruits sent for market or export.

Author Biographies

  • Abhimannyu Kalne
    Research Associate,
  • Nachiket Kotwaliwale
    Senior Scientist, Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Nabibagh, Bhopal 462 038;
  • Karan Singh
    Assistant Professor, CCSHAU, Hissar.





How to Cite

Kalne, A., Kotwaliwale, N., Singh, K., & Singh, V. K. (2013). Non-Destructive Inspection of Mango Fruit Using Digital Radiography, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 49(4).