About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The Journal publishes original contributions in English covering all (basic and applied) aspects of fisheries and aquaculture sciences including aquatic resources and biodiversity, environment, production systems, resource management, nutrition and feed management, genetics and breeding, aquatic animal health, harvest and post harvest technology, fisheries/aquaculture engineering, oceanography, fisheries development, fishers/farmers livelihoods, socio-economic issues, marketing and trade, governance and policy, etc. JIFA also also accepts book/film reviews and short communication related to fisheries and aquaculture sciences.

Peer Review Process

Articles submitted to JIFA are immediate acknowledged and allotted a specific JIFA number. On submission by Authors, the Editor checks for its appropriateness for further peer-review in terms of theme, overall language, and compliance with JIFA manuscript layout/formatting guidelines. First Editorial decision (Decline/Acceptance for Review/Revision & Resubmission) is communicated within ONE WEEK from submission date. Double-blind peer review system is followed with each article being reviewed by at least two reviewers. Reviewers' comments are communicated to the Corresponding Author within 3-4 weeks from 'Acceptance for Review' date. On receipt of revised manuscripts from the Author, Volume and Issue Numbers are allotted and the Article is published online immediately with DOI. The entire process takes normally two to six months in most instances.  

Open Access Policy

JIFA provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Indian Fisheries Association, ICAR-CIFE, Mumbai

For any queries related to IFA, write to indianfisheriesassociation@gmail.com

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Journal History

The Journal is published by the Indian Fisheries Association (IFA), one of the oldest scientific societies in India which was established in 1967. IFA is hosted at ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education (Deemed University), Mumbai. The first issue of JIFA was published in the year 1971. With a dynamic leadership helming IFA and a proactive Editorial Board at JIFA, the Journal is poised to become a throbbing hub of scientific ideas and innovation among the scientific community.