Phosphorus Management in Green Gram-Brown Sarson Cropping System under Rainfed Conditions of Kashmir yalley

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  • Ummed Singh Faculty of Agriculture and Regional Research Station, (SKUAST-K), Wadura, Sopore (J&K) 193 201
  • S R singh Faculty of Agriculture and Regional Research Station, (SKUAST-K), Wadura, Sopore (J&K) 193 201
  • A A Saad Faculty of Agriculture and Regional Research Station, (SKUAST-K), Wadura, Sopore (J&K) 193 201
  • S A Mir Faculty of Agriculture and Regional Research Station, (SKUAST-K), Wadura, Sopore (J&K) 193 201


A field experiment was conducted at Faculty of Agriculture (SKUAST-Kashmir), Wadura, Sopore O&K), during 2005-07 on silty clay loam soil medium in available P to study the efficient management of phosphorus in green gram [Vigna radiata (L) Wilczek]- brown sarson (Brassica campestris sub sp. oleifera var. brown sarson) cropping system. Application of phosphorus up to 40 kg P20sha'l+PSB+VAM applied to green gram significantly enhanced the yield attributes viz., pods/plant, grains/pod and 1,000 grain weight and the grain (1280 kg ha'l) and straw yield (3660 kg ha'l) of green gram, and J'i:eld attributes (siliqua/plant, grains/siliqua and 1,000 grain weight) and grain (1610 kg ha·1 ) and straw yield (4520 k~ ha,l) of succeeding brown sarson over no phosphorus and PSB+VAM and 40 kg P20S ha' alone. Direct application of phosphorus up to 40 kg ha'l+PSB+VAM to brown sarson markedly increased the yield attributes and grain (1620 kp ha'l) and straw yield (4110 kg ha'l) over their lower levels. Application of 40 kg P20S ha' +PSB+VAM increased the total productivity of green gram and brown sarson in terms of green gram equivalent yield. Application of 80 kg P20S ha,l to green gram significantly increased the P uptake in green gram (12.5 kg ha'l) and succeeding brown sarson (17.3 kg ha'l) over lower rates of phosphorus. Direct application of 80 kg P20S ha,l to brown sarson recorded markedly higher P uptake (17.6 kg ha'l) by brown sarson. Direct application of phosphorus to green gram and brown sarson at 40 kg P20S ha'l+pSB+VAM significantly enhanced agronomic P use efficiency, physiological P use efficiency and apparent P recovery over 80 kg P20S ha'l+pSB+VAM alone. Key words: Green gram, brown sarson, cropping system, yield, P uptake, P use indices.


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How to Cite

Singh, U., singh, S. R., Saad, A. A., & Mir, S. A. (2016). Phosphorus Management in Green Gram-Brown Sarson Cropping System under Rainfed Conditions of Kashmir yalley. Annals of Arid Zone, 48(2).