Dietary Supplementation of Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) During Transition Period Influences Blood Metabolites, Milk Production and its Quality in Cattle

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  • Sushil Kumar lala lajpat rai university of veterinary and animal sciences, Hisar
  • Vivek Saharan LUVAS, Hisar-125004
  • Zile Singh Sihag
  • Sajjan Sihag


Production, Shatavari, Somatic Cell Count, Sub-clinical mastitis, Transition cows


Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) has anti-oxidative, immunomodulatory and lactogenic functions. Effect of supplementing shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) root powder in the ration of peri-parturient Hardhenu cattle was evaluated. Based on most probable milk producing ability, parity and body weight, sixteen advance pregnant Hardhenu cows were divided into non-supplemental control group (CON; n=8) and supplemental group (SRP; n=8) which was fed shatavari root powder (SRP) @ 100mg/kg body from 60 days pre-partum until parturition and 200mg/kg body weight from parturition to 90 days post-partum. Milk yield, milk fat and protein percentage was significantly (p<0.05) higher in SRP group compared to CON. Milk somatic cell count (x105 cells/ml) and mean CMT score was significantly (p<0.05) lower in SRP group than CON. Percentage of teats infected with moderate (++) and serious (+++) sub-clinical mastitis (SCM) was comparatively less in SRP group than CON group (20.42 and 0.00% vs. 39.79 and 14.38%). Incidence of SCM during supplemental period was significantly (p<0.05) lower in SRP group while it was comparable (p>0.05) to CON group during residual period. Blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and total protein was significantly (p<0.05) higher while BUN was lower (p<0.05) in SRP group as compared to CON group. Milk yield was increased by 8.79% in SRP and the cost benefit ratio of supplementing shatavari was 1:2.59. It was concluded that shatavari supplementation in the diet of peri-parturient cows augments milk production, improves qualitative attributes of milk and reduces incidence of sub-clinical mastitis.

Author Biography

  • Sushil Kumar, lala lajpat rai university of veterinary and animal sciences, Hisar

    PhD scholar

    Department of Animal Nutrition 


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How to Cite

Kumar, S., Saharan, V., Sihag, Z. S., & Sihag, S. (2024). Dietary Supplementation of Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) During Transition Period Influences Blood Metabolites, Milk Production and its Quality in Cattle . Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 41(1).