Evaluation of kharif Forage Crops for Biomass Production and Nutritional Parameters in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India

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  • Phool Singh Hindoriya ICAR-NDRI karnal-132001
  • Rajesh Kumar Meena
  • Magan Singh
  • Rakesh Kumar
  • Hardev Ram
  • Vijendra Kumar Meena
  • Manish Kushwaha


ADF, ADL, Dry matter, Forage, Guinea grass, NDF, NBH


The field experiment was conducted during Kharif, 2017 at Research farm of Agronomy Section, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with eight treatments and three replications. Among eight treatments two perennial forage crops NBH, guinea grass cultivated sole as well as intercropping with cowpea and four seasonal fodder crops (cowpea, sorghum, baby corn and maize) were tested. Experimental results showed that among the different fodder crops, the highest DM content was recorded in the intercropped guinea grass (25.1%) with cowpea in the 2:3 row ratio followed by sole guinea grass (24.9%) while lower in cowpea (16.9%). Protein, ether extract and total ash yield were statistically significant higher in the intercropping of NBH + cowpea (14.46 q/ha), (3.28 q/ha) and 13.07 q/ha, respectively). The higher ADF content was observed in the sorghum sole (41.6%), followed by guinea sole (40.1%) while, lower in sole maize (35.3%) and it was statistically significant from sole sorghum and guinea forage crops. The higher value of NDF was recorded in the sole guinea grass (71.16%) which was significantly higher over the other treatments. The ADL was found highest in the sole cowpea (8.68%). 

Author Biography

  • Phool Singh Hindoriya, ICAR-NDRI karnal-132001
    Agronomy (FP), NDRI, Karnal


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How to Cite

Hindoriya, P. S., Meena, R. K., Singh, M., Kumar, R., Ram, H., Meena, V. K., & Kushwaha, M. (2019). Evaluation of kharif Forage Crops for Biomass Production and Nutritional Parameters in Indo-Gangetic Plains of India. Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 36(1). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJAN/article/view/83493