Effect of Equilibrum pH on Phosphate Potential and Equlibrium Phosphate Potential in Acid Soils of Karnataka

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  • T. Ramesh
  • R. Ananthanarayana
  • S. Hazarika
  • B. U. Choudhary
  • Manoj Kumar
  • B. C. Verma
  • P. Moirangthem
  • S. V. Ngachan


Available phosphorus, Phosphate potential, Soil pH


A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the effect of pH on available phosphorus (P) (Bray and Kurtz No.1 extractable), phosphate potential (PP) and equilibrium phosphate potential (EPP) in four acid soils collected from different districts of Karnataka representing various agro-climatic zones. Significant changes in soil available P was observed with a unit increment in soil pH in all the soils. At pH 4.0, available P decreased in all the soils except soils from Bangalore compared to the initial P. On the other hand, increase in pH up to 7.0 increased the available P by 83, 38, 14 and 120% in soils from Bangalore, Shimoga, Mudigere and Uttar Kannada, respectively compared to initial soil P. The PP and EPP which measure negative logarithm of inorganic phosphate (H2PO4-) ions concentration in soil solution, decreased with increase in pH from 4.0 to 6.0 irrespective of the soils. Further increase in pH up to 7.0 decreased the PP and EPP values in all the soils except in Mudigere soil. The changes in both PP and EPP values due to the changes in pH values were found to be significant. A negative and highly significant correlation was found to exist between available P and EPP.

Author Biographies

  • T. Ramesh

     Division of Natural Resources Management, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umaim, Meghalaya-793103

  • R. Ananthanarayana

     Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, University of Agricultural Sciences , Bangalore, 560065, Karnataka


  • S. Hazarika
    Division of Natural Resources Management, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umaim, Meghalaya-793103
  • B. U. Choudhary
    Division of Natural Resources Management, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umaim, Meghalaya-793103
  • Manoj Kumar
    Division of Natural Resources Management, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umaim, Meghalaya-793103
  • B. C. Verma
    Division of Natural Resources Management, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umaim, Meghalaya-793103
  • P. Moirangthem
    Division of Natural Resources Management, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umaim, Meghalaya-793103
  • S. V. Ngachan
    Division of Natural Resources Management, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umaim, Meghalaya-793103





How to Cite

Ramesh, T., Ananthanarayana, R., Hazarika, S., Choudhary, B. U., Kumar, M., Verma, B. C., Moirangthem, P., & Ngachan, S. V. (2015). Effect of Equilibrum pH on Phosphate Potential and Equlibrium Phosphate Potential in Acid Soils of Karnataka. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 28(1). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJHF/article/view/51177