Rainfall Characteristics, Pattern and Distribution at Cherapunjee, Meghalaya

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  • Lala I.P. Ray
  • P. K. Bora
  • V. Ram
  • A. K. Singh
  • R. Singh
  • S. M. Feroze


Crop planning, normal rainfall, probability of occurrence, monsoon


Rainfall plays a major role not only in agriculture but also in allied day to day activities. The knowledge amount of rainfall, number of rainy days and its distribution over the cropping season are important for timely preparation of seed bed, selection of crop varieties, choice of cropping pattern. Rainfall analysis with advanced statistics methods using computer programming and software bring out many features which can be directly used for crop planning, land-water management, aquaculture and floriculture planning etc. The analysis of 37years (1971-2007) daily rainfall data of Cherapunjee, Meghalaya has been done for determining the characteristics of rainfall and probability of occurrence of normal weekly rainfall.

Author Biographies

  • Lala I.P. Ray
    College of post Graduate Studies, Central Agricultural University, Umiam, Barapani 793103, Meghalaya
  • P. K. Bora
    College of post Graduate Studies, Central Agricultural University, Umiam, Barapani 793103, Meghalaya
  • V. Ram
    College of post Graduate Studies, Central Agricultural University, Umiam, Barapani 793103, Meghalaya
  • A. K. Singh
    College of post Graduate Studies, Central Agricultural University, Umiam, Barapani 793103, Meghalaya
  • R. Singh
    College of post Graduate Studies, Central Agricultural University, Umiam, Barapani 793103, Meghalaya
  • S. M. Feroze
    College of post Graduate Studies, Central Agricultural University, Umiam, Barapani 793103, Meghalaya





How to Cite

Ray, L. I., Bora, P. K., Ram, V., Singh, A. K., Singh, R., & Feroze, S. M. (2015). Rainfall Characteristics, Pattern and Distribution at Cherapunjee, Meghalaya. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 28(1). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJHF/article/view/51184