Exceptionally High Hatchability of Vanaraja Hatching Eggs under Field Conditions- A Success Story

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  • A. A. Khan
  • Parvez A. Reshi
  • Zulfqarul Haq
  • S. A. Simnani


Broody hens, Hatchability, Natural incubation


One hundred and fifty Vanaraja hatching eggs were provided to 15 tribal farm women for natural incubation using broody hen. The freshly collected hatching eggs were sorted and clean eggs of uniform size, ideal shape, texture were separated. The eggs were pre-candled to remove the eggs with shell deformities, hairline cracks etc. Training with regards to  selection of broody hen, preparation of the egg nests, feeding, care and management of brooding hen during the period of incubation was provided prior to setting of eggs for incubation. The overall hatchability on total eggs set (HTES) was 98% and hatchability on
fertile eggs set (HFES) was 98.66%. The farmers were quite satisfied with the results of incubation and having hatched the chicks through natural incubation at their premises, farmers showed more involvement and care in rearing the chicks. The success story demonstrates that excellent hatchability under natural incubation could be achieved through careful selection of hatching eggs, less pre-incubation holding period of the eggs, optimum brooding nest material.

Author Biographies

  • A. A. Khan

    Center for Research on Poultry, Division of Livestock Production and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and
    Animal Husbandry

  • Parvez A. Reshi
    Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ganderbal, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Shuhama,
    Alusteng, Srinagar- 190006 Jammu & Kashmir
  • Zulfqarul Haq
    Center for Research on Poultry, Division of Livestock Production and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences and
    Animal Husbandry
  • S. A. Simnani
    Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ganderbal, Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Shuhama,
    Alusteng, Srinagar- 190006 Jammu & Kashmir









How to Cite

Khan, A. A., Reshi, P. A., Haq, Z., & Simnani, S. A. (2019). Exceptionally High Hatchability of Vanaraja Hatching Eggs under Field Conditions- A Success Story. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 31(2). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJHF/article/view/94702