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Author Guidelines

  • The manuscript should be typewritten on one side of the paper with wide margins and double spacing.
  • Should be sent in duplicate.
  • Each page of the manuscript should be numbered on the top corner including title page, references, tables, etc.
  • All the pages should contain running title of the paper and surname of author(s) at the top.
  • The manuscript should be organized in the following order in general: Title with author(s) name(s) and complete address for correspondence with PIN code, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, if any, References, Tables and Figures
  • Title: Papers should be headed with full title, the initials and surname(s) of the author(s) and address of the Institution where the work was carried out.
  • A shortened version of the title should also be supplied for running headlines. The serial titles are not acceptable, so each paper should have an individual title.
  • Abstract: This should not exceed 300 words and should outline briefly the purpose of the study, important findings and conclusions. Repetition and generally known information should be avoided. Introduction: This part should state briefly the nature and purpose of the work together with the impor­tant findings of previous workers.
  • Materials and Methods: The author(s) should describe materials, methods, apparatus, experimental pro­cedure and statistical methods in detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Sub-heading may be used in this part.
  • Results: The experimental data should be presented clearly and concisely. Information presented in tables and figures should not be repeated.
  • Discussion: This should focus the interpretation of experimental findings. Do not repeat data presented in the introduction or information given in the result.
  • Acknowledgement(s): This should be short. Grants and technical helps provided should be acknowl­edged.
  • References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in the form of a list of references arranged alphabetically according to authors' surnames. Don't give serial numbers. Use the following system for arranging the references.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • For periodicals: name(s) and initials of author(s) year of publication (in parentheses), title of the paper, abbreviated title of the journal (in conformity with the World list of Periodicals), volume number (bold), colen, first and last page numbers. For periodicals: Bartley, E.E., Wheatcroft, K.L., Claydon, T.J. Fountaine, F.C. and Fairish, D.V. (1951). Effectof feeding aureomycin to dairy calves. J. Anim. Set. 10: 1036-1038. For books: Snedecor, G.W. and Cochran, W.G. (1994). Statistical Methods. VIII edn., Iowa State University Press, Iowa, USA, pp. 287-192. For chapter in a book: Thomas, J.R. and Charles, C.C. (1997). Calcium regulating hormones and diseases of abnormal mineral metabolism. In: Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. Kaneko, J.J., Harvey, J.W. and Bruss, M.L. (eds.). V edn., Academic Press, London, pp. 6! 9-702. For thesis: Singh, S.K. (1998). Studies on clinico-biochemical changes in Downer cow syndrome. M. V.Sc. thesis. Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India. For proceedings of symposia/conference: Shah, R.L., Kataria, J.M., Arya, S.C. and Verma, K.C. (1996). Study on inclusion body hepatitis in broiler chicks. Proc. XX World Poult. Congress held on Sept. 2-5,1996, New Delhi, Vol. IV,pp.313-314. \
  • Tables:These should be as few as possible and typed on separate sheets and numbered in roman numeri­cal. Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title.
  • Figures: Only good quality, unfolded and unmounted glossy prints of half-tone illustrations and clear line drawings in India ink are accepted. The number of figure, the author's name and top of figure should be indicated lightly on the back by soft pencil. Legends to the figures should be typed on a separate sheet of manuscript. All the figures should be referred to in the text and their approximate place be indicated on the margin. A statement of the magnification of illustrations should be given wherever applicable. The coloured illustrations are also accepted.
  • Abbreviations and Symbols:Metric system should be followed in the text. The quantities should be expressed in SI units. Contributor(s) are requested to use the following abbreviations cal Body weight b wt Litre l Calory Meter m Centimeter cm Microlitre Counts per minute cpm Milligram mg Cubic centimeter cm3 Millilitre ml Degree centigrade °C Minute(s) min Degree Fahrenheit °F Once a day o d Dcilitre dl Parts per million ppm Gram g Percent % Hour(s) hr Picogram pg Inch in Revolution per min rpm Intramuscular im Second(s) sec Intraperitoneal iq Square centimeter cm2 Intravenous iv Subcutaneous sc Kilo Callories kcal Thrice a day tid Kilogram kg Year(s) yr Twice a day bid Volts v All other abbreviations should be spelled out when first used in the text. Footnotes: These should be used only when absolutely essential. When used, they should be numbered in text, indicated by superscript numbers and kept as short as possible.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.