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Author Guidelines

  • Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the clear understanding that :
    a) They have neither been published nor been sent for publication elsewhere. All the authors should sign a certificate to this effect in respect of each manuscript sent for publication. Names, qualifications, full addresses and Email ID of all authors must be provided while submitting the manuscripts. Details of the corresponding author with contact phone and the address of the place with PIN code where the work has been carried out must be clearly mentioned.
    b) The research work has been carried out with the approval of the Institutional Ethics
    Committee as per the laws in force in the country in which it has been conducted. A certificate to this effect should be signed by all authors. The authors should get written permission from concerned authorities for publishing manuscripts on emerging and exotic diseases.
    c) All authors are jointly and severally responsible to the various authorities for the contents of the manuscripts. The Editorial Committee shall not be held responsible in any manner whatsoever to the contents of the manuscript and the views and interpretations expressed by the authors in the manuscripts. All disputes regarding any legal proceeding pertaining to the journal shall be within the jurisdiction of the High Court of Judicature at Chennai.
  • A processing fee of each ₹ 200/- for Indian and US$ 20 for foreign manuscripts must be sent along with the manuscript in the form of a DD or International Cheque drawn in favour of The Editor, Indian Veterinary Journal, payable at Chennai. Payment of the processing fee will not ensure the publication of the manuscript. On acceptance of the manuscript for publication, a Publication Charge (₹ 700/- for an Indian manuscript and US$ 200 for a foreign manuscript) must be sent to The Editor.
  •  It is mandatory that each Indian author should be a subscriber to the print or online version and a foreign author, to the online version of the Journal. The annual subscription fee is ₹ 700/- for the Indian subscriber and US$ 200 for the foreign subscriber for the print or online version of the Journal.
  • The manuscript should be typed in A 4 size paper in double space with 12 pt size Times
    Roman font as per the Indian Veterinary Journal format. Only two hard copies must
    be sent to the Editor, Indian Veterinary Journal, 11/7, PasumponMuthuramalingaThevar Road (Chamiers Road), Nandanam, Chennai –
    600035, India. Clear prints of figures and photographs in duplicate if any must be sent in glossy print of maxi size. The full postal address with posted pin code of the actual place where the work was carried out, along with the contact phone number of the corresponding author should be provided below the names of author(s) in the articles submitted.
  • The decision of the Editor is final in all matters pertaining to the publication of the
    manuscripts. Editor has the right to do editorial revision of the accepted manuscripts, restriction of number of pages, tables and figures. No reason shall be given for the non-acceptance of the manuscript. Manuscript once received will not be returned to the author under any circumstances. The copy right shall rest with the Journal and no part of any manuscript shall be reproduced without specific permission of the Editor.
  • Each manuscript received will be allotted a Registration Number. The authors, while sending the revised version of the manuscript based on the comments of the referee, should submit the revised manuscripts in two forms, one hard copy and other one soft copy in CD. This should be as per IVJ format and return the original version along with original comments to the Editor for reference and records. The revised manuscripts should be submitted to the IVJ office within 90 days of receipt, failing which the article will not be considered for publication. A demand letter will be sent to the corresponding author for payments such as processing fee (if not already paid), publication charges and arrears of subscription fees. Only on receipt of full clearance of all the payments, the concerned article will be taken up for publication and the author will be informed accordingly.
  • After publication of an article the original / revised copy of the article will be retained at the IVJ office only for a period of 12 months after which the article will be disposed off, since the published version will be available in print and degitized form.
  • Indian Veterinary Journal Format:
    a) Title; Author(s); Place of work with full address and pin code.
    b) Full papers: Abstract (not more than 100 words), Keywords (not more than 4 words), Introduction (with no subtitle), Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, summary, Acknowledgement (optional) and References (not exceeding 15). The full papers should not exceed 4 printed pages.
    c) Clinical articles: Abstract (not more than 100 words), Keywords (not more than 4 words), Introduction (with no subtitle), Case History and Observations, Treatment and Discussion, Summary, Acknowledgement (optional) and References (not exceeding 15). The Clinical articles should not exceed 3 printed pages.
    d) Short Communications: There is no specific format for Short Communication. Articles which do not comply to either Full Papers or Clinical Articles either on quality basis or on page-wise basis will be allotted under Short Communication.
    e) The page limits are inclusive of figures, photographs and tables.
    f) All tables should be numbered with upper case roman numericals (I, II...) and all figures should be numbered with arabicnumericals (1, 2, 3...).
  • Citing references: In the text, references should be cited by names of the authors followed by the year of publication in parenthesis. In case of more than two authors, the name of the first author must be followed by et al. For the references repeated in the text, the year must be replaced by loc cit. in successive references. At the end of the text, the references must be furnished in alphabetical order. Each author's name must be followed by initials. Before the name of the last author, the word 'and' must be included. The year of publication must be in parenthesis. The title of the referred article must be given in full. The Journal's name must be in approved abbreviated form and must be in italics. The volume number of the journal must be given in bold letters. It should be followed by a colon and the starting and ending page numbers. While citing books, the Title of the book, Year, Publisher, Place of Publication, Number of the Edition and the relevant page number(s) must be provided. Website, 'in press' and 'personal communication' should be avoided as references.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).


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