Effect of cereal, millet and legume bran supplement on yield and biological efficiency of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus flabellatus)

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  • Siddhant . Indo-Canadian Farms, Pune, India
  • Ruchira Singh Indo-Canadian Farms, Pune, India
  • R S Kanaujia Indo-Canadian Farms, Pune, India


Different brans, viz., wheat, rice, maize, barley (cereal bran), sorghum (millet bran) pea, gram and pigeon pea (legume bran) were evaluated as supplement @ 10% on dry weight basis of substrate for enhancing yield and biological efficiency of Pleurotus flabellatus. Among the bran used, wheat, rice, sorghum, pea and pigeon pea bran produced significantly higher yield and biological efficiency of mushroom than the control. Maximum yield was recorded with rice bran (655 g, 131%) followed by wheat bran (615 g, 123%), pea bran (600 g, 120%), pigeon pea bran (595 g, 109%) and sorghum bran (580 g, 116%). Significantly (P=0.05) higher weight/sporocarp was obtained from the barley (12.50 g), pea (13.63 g) and pigeon pea bran (15.42 g) while none of them produced significant no of sporocarp.  


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How to Cite

., S., Singh, R., & Kanaujia, R. S. (2017). Effect of cereal, millet and legume bran supplement on yield and biological efficiency of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus flabellatus). Mushroom Research, 24(1). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/MR/article/view/57366