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  • Rani Mary George Vizhinjam Research Centre of CMFRI, Vizhinjam - 695 521, India


This paper gives the results of ichthyoplankton studies in the nearshore waters of Vizhinjam conducted
from April, 1981 to March, 1985. Studies on the composition, quantitative abundance and
fluctuations of the fish eggs and larvae of Vizhinjam in relation to hydrography were the objectives
of this investigation.
The year 1982-'83 recorded the greatest number of eggs and larvae of commercially important fishes.
The relative abundance and quantitative variations of eggs and larvae of 11 families were studied. Eggs
and larvae of Carangidae formed the major component of ichthyoplankton community. Eggs and
larvae of other groups like anchovies, sardines, mackerel, lizard fishes and ambassids were well represented.
It was found that eggs and larval concentration of commercially important pelagic fishes was
closely related to their spawning seasons observed by earlier workers. Thus mackerel and sardines recorded
two spawning seasons. Anchovies and carangids showed extended breeding seasons; eel too
recorded a definite breeding period. Larval forms of ambassids were recorded in different months within
this period of study and hence it appears that they breed almost year round. The availability of
eggs and larvae of marine fishes around Vizhinjam has shown that it is an ideal breeding and nursery

Author Biography

  • Rani Mary George, Vizhinjam Research Centre of CMFRI, Vizhinjam - 695 521, India
    Vizhinjam Research Centre of CMFRI, Vizhinjam - 695 521, India





How to Cite

George, R. M. (2011). ICHTHYOPLANKTON FROM THE VIZHINJAM COAST. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 35(4), 258-265. https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/IJF/article/view/10715