Gains from Improved Technology Adoption in Disadvantaged Regions: Evidences from Bundelkhand Region

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  • VINITA KANWAL ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi 110 012, India
  • MOHDARSHAD KHAN ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NIAP), New Delhi
  • SUMAN VERMA ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NIAP), New Delhi


Technology adoption, High-yielding Varieties, Micro-irrigation Mechanisation, Bundelkhand


The study explored the status and determinants of technology adoption in terms of shifting towards high yielding
varieties, micro-irrigation and mechanisation in Bundelkhand zone. The study is based on a field survey conducted
in the Jhansi district of Bundelkhand region in 2018–19. Bundelkhand is a water scarce area of the country and
needs policy interventions in the form of efficient water utilization and enhanced production. The results indicate
that despite least adoption of sprinkler in the region, micro-irrigation has resulted in water use conservation and
improved yields in comparison to conventional irrigation method. The findings revealed that age, income from
cultivation, possession of MGNREGA job card and membership of any local and village level organization had a
considerable impact on the decision to adopt improved agricultural varieties and micro-irrigation implying that the
security nets provided in any form motivates the households to adopt improved technology. Size of operated land,
income from non-agricultural activities and possession of Kisan Credit Card are the significant factors in case of
farm mechanisation.


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How to Cite

SAXENA, R., KANWAL, V., KHAN, M., VERMA, S., & B, G. (2022). Gains from Improved Technology Adoption in Disadvantaged Regions: Evidences from Bundelkhand Region. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(6), 695-699.