Assessing varietal tolerance and weed control effectiveness of metribuzin-based herbicide mixtures in wheat (Triticum aestivum)

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  • SARITA RANI Technical Consultant, NRAA, New Delhi
  • SURESH KUMAR Asstt. Scientist, Department of AgronomyCCSHAU, HisarHaryana 125004
  • V S HOODA Assistant Scientist Department of AgronomyCCSHAU, HisarHaryana 125004
  • JAGDISH PARSHAD Assistant ScientistDeptt.of MicrobiologyCCS HAU HisarHaryana 125004


Metribuzin, clodinafop, fenoxaprop, pinoxaden, sensitivity, wheat


A field experiment was conducted during 2014–15 and 2015–16 at Research Farm of Department of Agronomy,
CCSHAU, Hisar. The experiment comprised five wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties (WH 1105, HD 2967, DPW
621-50, WH 1124 and DBW 17) in main plots and six weed management practices, viz. metribuzin (210 g/ha),
metribuzin + fenoxaprop (150 + 100 g/ha), metribuzin + pinoxaden (150 + 40 g/ha), metribuzin + clodinafop (150
+ 45 g/ha), weed free and weedy check in sub-plots was conducted in split-plot design with three replications. The
population and dry matter accumulation of weeds were not affected by wheat varieties. Wheat variety WH 1105
resulted in maximum grain yield and remained at par with HD 2967 and DPW 621-50, but statistically superior to
DBW 17 and WH 1124. Minimum population of grassy and total weeds and dry matter accumulation by them was
observed with metribuzin + fenoxaprop, being at par with other two combinations of metribuzin. But, the density
and dry matter of broad leaved weeds was minimum with metribuzin alone (210 g/ha). Among herbicidal treatments, metribuzin + fenoxaprop (150 + 100 g/ha) remained superior with maximum grain yield.


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Author Biographies

  • SURESH KUMAR, Asstt. Scientist, Department of AgronomyCCSHAU, HisarHaryana 125004

    Department of Agronomy

  • V S HOODA, Assistant Scientist Department of AgronomyCCSHAU, HisarHaryana 125004

    Department of Agronomy

  • JAGDISH PARSHAD, Assistant ScientistDeptt.of MicrobiologyCCS HAU HisarHaryana 125004

    Deptt.of Microbiology


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How to Cite

RANI, S., KUMAR, S., HOODA, V. S., & PARSHAD, J. (2022). Assessing varietal tolerance and weed control effectiveness of metribuzin-based herbicide mixtures in wheat (Triticum aestivum). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(6), 737-740.