Plant protection module on management of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella and other lepidopteran pests in cabbage

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  • RAJENDRA PRASAD Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ramanagara, UAS, Bengaluru 560 065, India
  • B S MANJUNATH Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bengaluru Rural, UAS, Bengaluru
  • B SAVITA S M Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Ramanagara, UAS, Bengaluru 560 065, India
  • MALLIKARJUNA GOWDA A P Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bengaluru Rural, UAS, Bengaluru


Bioagents, Botanicals, Cabbage, DBM, Safer insecticides


The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) is the most destructive insect pest of cruciferous crops throughout the world. The use of trap crops, pheromones, botanicals, bio-agents and safer insecticides for pest control promises to be an important integrated approach in the management of DBM and other lepidopteran pests which helps to solve major environmental and human health problems. A study was designed and carried out at Ramanagara and Bengaluru Rural district during 2017-18 and 2018-19 to understand the effectiveness of IPM module, recommended practices and farmers' practice in cabbage fields.The results revealed that 15 days prior to cabbage transplanting, sowing of Indian mustard (2 rows after 25 rows of cabbage) attracted DBM moths for oviposition, 7 days after transplanting (DAT), installation of WOTA-T traps @ 5 Nos./acre helped in monitoring and mass trapping of DBM moths. The spraying of botanicals, bioagents and safer insecticides as per the schedule, viz. neem soap (10 g/l) after 15 DAT, Spinosad 2.5 SC (1.25 ml/l) after 18 DAT, Emamectin benzoate 5SG (0.5 gm/l) after 21 DAT, Bt (Dipel) (1 g/l) after 35 DAT, Chlorfenapyr 10 SC (1.5 ml/l) after 50 DAT, Spinosad 2.5 SC (1.25 ml/l) after 65 DAT and Emamectin benzoate 5 SG (0.5 gm/l) after 80 DAT, effectively reduced the damage caused by DBM in cabbage fields. The pest incidence in IPM module was negligible resulted in fetching higher yields, quality heads and better returns compared to farmers' practice. Farmers can adopt IPM module as an alternative to insecticides as it is ecologically safe, economically viable and socially well acceptable.


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How to Cite

PRASAD, R., MANJUNATH, B. S., S M, B. S., & A P, M. G. (2022). Plant protection module on management of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella and other lepidopteran pests in cabbage. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 91(12), 1742–1746.