Multi-trait multi environment analysis for stability in MABC lines of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum)

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  • J JORBEN PhD scholar
  • APOORVA RAO Research Scholar
  • C BHARADWAJ Principal Scientist
  • S D NITESH PhD scholar
  • NEHA TIWARI Associate Scientist
  • TAPAN KUMAR Associate Scientist
  • D R SAXENA scientist
  • M YASIN scientist
  • P L SONTAKKE Principal scientist
  • JAGDISH E JAHAGIRDAR Principal scientist
  • V S HEGDE Principal scientist


MABC, Fusarium wilt, MTSI, GGE


Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris) is a major disease that can cause up to 90% yield loss in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). The presence of 8 physiological races of Foc (0, 1A, 1B/C, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6) makes it a complex task in the development of disease-resistant cultivar. Thus, Pyramiding of Foc races 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 was undertaken using WR 315 as donor and Pusa 372 as recurrent parent through Marker assisted backcross (MABC) breeding approach. A total of 20 genotypes, including 17 MABC derived lines of Pusa 372 × WR 315, susceptible parent (Pusa 372), resistant check (WR 315) and national check (JG 16) were used. Multi-location testing of advanced MABC lines at 4 different regions (Amla, Badnapur, Sehore, IARI-New Delhi) was carried out using randomised block design (RBD) in two replications during 2020–21 winter (rabi) season. Usually, multi environment testing is performed involving a single trait, which provides lower reliability in selection of lines, compared to multi-trait analysis. The present study identifies highly stable Fusarium wilt resistant lines with higher yield advantage using MTSI (Multi trait stability index) and GGE (Genotype main effect and genotype × environment interaction) biplot methodology. From GGE biplot analyses the PC1 explains 84.97% and PC2 explains 8.96% of variability. MTSI results revealed that genotype (G) 1, 4 and 3 were stable for the multiple characters studied. But, based on GGE-mean stability value G 11, 12 and 3 were identified for higher yield and better stability values. Based on MTSI and GGE, G 3 may be considered as a stable line for multiple traits including yield superiority.


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Author Biographies

  • J JORBEN, PhD scholar

    Division of Genetics,ICAR-IARI,New Delhi-12

  • APOORVA RAO, Research Scholar
    Division of Genetics,ICAR-IARI,New Delhi-12
  • C BHARADWAJ, Principal Scientist
    Division of Genetics,ICAR-IARI,New Delhi-12
  • S D NITESH, PhD scholar

    Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, CSAUAT, Kanpur, UP.

  • NEHA TIWARI, Associate Scientist

    ICARDA-Food Legume Research Platform, Amlah, Sehore, MP, India, 466113

  • TAPAN KUMAR, Associate Scientist

    ICARDA-Food Legume Research Platform, Amlah, Sehore, MP, India, 466113

  • D R SAXENA, scientist

    RAK College of Agriculture, RVSKVV,Sehore, MP, India, 466001

  • M YASIN, scientist

    RAK College of Agriculture, RVSKVV,Sehore, MP, India, 466001

  • P L SONTAKKE, Principal scientist

    Agricultural Research Station, Badnapur, Maharashtra

  • JAGDISH E JAHAGIRDAR, Principal scientist

    Agricultural Research Station, Badnapur, Maharashtra

  • V S HEGDE, Principal scientist

    Division of Genetics,ICAR-IARI,New Delhi-12


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How to Cite

JORBEN, J., RAO, A., BHARADWAJ, C., NITESH, S. D., TIWARI, N., KUMAR, T., SAXENA, D. R., YASIN, M., SONTAKKE, P. L., JAHAGIRDAR, J. E., & HEGDE, V. S. (2022). Multi-trait multi environment analysis for stability in MABC lines of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 92(8), 1005-1009.