Phenotypic characterization and genetic variability of Muthu Mullai mutants ofJasminum auriculatum for induction of homeotic mutants

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  • S P MIRUNALINI Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003, India image/svg+xml
  • M GANGA Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003, India image/svg+xml
  • K RAJAMANI Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003, India image/svg+xml
  • B MEENAKUMARI Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003, India image/svg+xml
  • M SUGANTHY Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003, India image/svg+xml
  • N MANIKANDA BOOPATHI Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641 003, India image/svg+xml


: Elite mutants, Flowering traits, Genetic variability, Homeotic mutants, Jasminum auriculatum, Morphological traits


An experiment was conducted during 2021–23 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu to create genetic variation in Jasminum auriculatum (Vahl.) by inducing mutation using physical and chemical means, through gamma rays and Ethyl Methane Sulphonate (EMS). The present study was designed to evaluate the M1V3 generation putative mutants of J. auriculatum ecotype Muthu Mullai generated through physical and chemical mutation with various dosages of gamma radiation and EMS. The study revealed that among the mutagen treated population, the plants subjected to 15 Gy gamma irradiation and 5 mM EMS recorded the maximum vegetative growth parameters including number of primary and secondary branches, internodal length, number of leaves, leaf length and leaf width and flower quality parameters namely days to flowering, number of flowering cymes/branch, flower bud length, corolla tube length, bud girth, flower diameter and 100 flower bud weight than control. Homeotic mutants were identified and isolated from the mutated population and this study further explored the reliability of the observed traits for making effective selection for crop improvement.


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How to Cite

MIRUNALINI, S. P. ., GANGA, M. ., RAJAMANI, K. ., MEENAKUMARI, B. ., SUGANTHY, M. ., & BOOPATHI, N. M. . (2024). Phenotypic characterization and genetic variability of Muthu Mullai mutants ofJasminum auriculatum for induction of homeotic mutants. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 94(7), 761–766.