Effect of mechanical planting and weeding on yield, water-use efficiency and cost of production under modified system of rice intensification

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  • P C MOHAPATRA Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha 753 006
  • M DIN Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha 753 006
  • B C PARIDA Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha 753 006
  • S P PATEL Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha 753 006
  • P MISHRA Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack, Odisha 753 006



Mat type transplanter, Power weeder, Sprouted seed drill, SRI, Star-cono weeder, Water-use efficiency


Efficiency of planting and weeding equipments developed at Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack was compared with traditional method of planting and weeding in relation to biomass yield, water-use efficiency (WUE) and net returns from SRI. The study showed that low plant density and high labour cost of SRI resulted in lower yield (3.77 against 4.52 tonnes/ha) and net returns (₹2 650 against ₹ 9 312/ha) compared to traditional method of cultivation. Mechanized planting and weeding of SRI enhanced its productivity to 4.24 tonnes/ha and profitability to ₹ 12 192/ ha. But it required that age of seedlings is increased from 8 to 16 days and density of hills is increased from 11 to 31/m2 with 4 (instead of single) plants/hill. Among mechanical planters, seeding by sprouted seeds on puddled soil by drum seeder was found to have significantly lower planting cost (₹ 515 against ₹ 1 332/ha) and lower total cost of production (₹ 16 355 against ₹17 767/ha). Average WUE (0.61 kg/m3) and grain yield (4.18 tonnes/ha) in weeded plots was double to un-weeded plots. Average cost of (single) weeding by weeders was ₹ 2 509 against ₹ 5 688/ha of manual weeding. Among the weeders, high efficiency in weed destruction and soil churning by star-cono weeder resulted in highest grain productivity and profitability in its favour.


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How to Cite

MOHAPATRA, P. C., DIN, M., PARIDA, B. C., PATEL, S. P., & MISHRA, P. (2012). Effect of mechanical planting and weeding on yield, water-use efficiency and cost of production under modified system of rice intensification. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(3), 280–3. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v82i3.15979