Dynamics of vegetative morphomatrix, productivity and economics of NA 7 aonla (Emblica officinalis) in different planting systems under rainfed conditions

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  • A K SINGH Central Horticultural Experiment Station (CIAH), Vejalpur, Panchmahals, Godhra, Gujarat
  • SANJAY SINGH Central Horticultural Experiment Station (CIAH), Vejalpur, Panchmahals, Godhra, Gujarat
  • V V APPA RAO Central Horticultural Experiment Station (CIAH), Vejalpur, Panchmahals, Godhra, Gujarat
  • S S HIWALE Central Horticultural Experiment Station (CIAH), Vejalpur, Panchmahals, Godhra, Gujarat
  • H K JOSHI Central Horticultural Experiment Station (CIAH), Vejalpur, Panchmahals, Godhra, Gujarat
  • P MAKWANA Central Horticultural Experiment Station (CIAH), Vejalpur, Panchmahals, Godhra, Gujarat



Aonla, Double hedgerow, Economics, Planting systems and Yield


A field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different planting systems and densities on plant growth and their relation to yield and quality attributes of NA 7 aonla (Emblica officinalis Gaertn) during the years 2011-2013 under rainfed hot semi- arid ecosystem of western India. The present study contained 5 planting systems as treatments namely, square, hedgerow, double hedge row, cluster and paired system. Different planting systems significantly influenced the vegetative growth, yield and quality of fruits during both the years of experimentation. The highest plant height was noted in double hedgerow system (7.80 m) and the lowest in paired system (7.08 m). Consequently, the rootstock (59.82cm), scion girth (58.38 cm) and plant spread (6.99 cm) was measured maximum in square system of planting. However, these parameters were measured the lowest in double hedgerow followed by hedgerow and cluster planting systems. Result of study revealed that the mean yield/plant (110.24 kg) was recorded the highest in square but the yield/ha were recorded maximum in double hedgerow (225.90 q) followed by hedgerow (202.65 q) and cluster (170.37 q). During the experimentation, a considerable difference in yield over previous year was observed among the different planting systems. An increase in yield over square system by the rest of the system ranged between 83.8% - 132.39% being highest in double hedgerow and lowest in paired system, whereas per cent increase in yield in double hedgerow over other systems ranged between 26.44-132.39 being the maximum and minimum upon square and hedgerow systems of planting, respectively. There were significant differences amongst different planting system with regards to fruit physical and quality attributes. Among the different planting systems, the square system exhibited better values for physical qualities, whereas chemical attributes like TSS, total sugar, vitamin C and total phenols were observed maximum in double hedgerow planting system. The net economic return was computed with double hedgerow (₹192 270.00 and ₹ 243 035.00) followed by hedgerow (₹ 150 800.00 and ₹195 650) and it was minimum in square (₹ 83 950.00 and ₹ 107 605.00) system of planting.


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How to Cite

SINGH, A. K., SINGH, S., RAO, V. V. A., HIWALE, S. S., JOSHI, H. K., & MAKWANA, P. (2014). Dynamics of vegetative morphomatrix, productivity and economics of NA 7 aonla (Emblica officinalis) in different planting systems under rainfed conditions. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84(9), 1045–50. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v84i9.43428