Planting method and tank-mix herbicides effects on weed management in garlic (Allium sativum)

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  • ABDOLHAMID HAJEBI Scientist (Medicinal Plant & Agronomy), Department of Natural Resources, Agricultural & Natural Resources Research Center of Hormozgan Province, Iran
  • T K DAS Principal Scientist, Division of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi
  • A K VYAS Assistant Director-General (HR), Krishi Bhawan, ICAR, New Delhi
  • D S RANA Principal Scientist, Division of Agronomy, IARI, New Delhi


Garlic, Nutrients, Planting methods, Tank-mix herbicide, Weed, Yield


A field experiment was carried out at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute during 2012 and 2013 to investigate the effect of planting method and tank-mix herbicide application on weeds, and growth, yield and nutrient uptake of garlic (Allium sativa L.). It was observed that the flat (FB) and raised (Furrow-irrigated raised bed system; FIRBS) beds were comparable with each other on the density and dry weight of weeds, and plant height, yield and bulb diameter of garlic during both years. The pre-emergence tank-mix application of pendimethalin 0.75 kg/ha + imazethapyr 0.075 kg/ha was superior to all other herbicide treatments in reducing weed competition as well as the uptakes of N, P and K by weeds. The uptakes of N, P and K, and the bulb yield of garlic were considerably higher in weed-free check and the tank-mix pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 0.75 kg/ha + imazethapyr 0.075 kg/ha compared to other treatments. The pendimethalin 0.75 kg/ha + imazethapyr 0.075 kg/ha and weed-free check brought about increases in two-year mean garlic bulb yield by 244.4% (~2.4 times) and 264.2% (~2.6 times), respectively over weedy check.


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How to Cite

HAJEBI, A., DAS, T. K., VYAS, A. K., & RANA, D. S. (2015). Planting method and tank-mix herbicides effects on weed management in garlic (Allium sativum). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 85(3), 437-441.