Seed priming with growth regulators ameliorates salt stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum)

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  • T N TIWARI ICAR-Indian institute of Seed Science, Kushmaur, Mau, Uttar Pradesh 275 103
  • DIPTI KAMAL ICAR-Indian institute of Seed Science, Kushmaur, Mau, Uttar Pradesh 275 103
  • S RAJENDRA PRASAD ICAR-Indian institute of Seed Science, Kushmaur, Mau, Uttar Pradesh 275 103


Plant Growth Regulator, Salt stress, Seed Priming, Wheat


Field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years (2008-09 to 2010-11) to study the effect of seed priming with IBA, GA3, kinetin and salicylic acid separately on germination, growth and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under salt-affected soils at Directorate of Seed Research, Mau. Seeds primed @100 ppm with IBA, GA3, kinetin and salicylic acid separately for 12 hr significantly enhanced the seed germination (18-26%), seedling dry weight (25-72%), vigour index (32-116%), plant height (4-8.4%), number of tillers (2-14.6%), total dry matter (3-11%), number of grains (13-18%) and finally test weight (5.3-6.1%) and grain yield (2-14%) over unprimed control in variety HUW 234. Among the treatments, kinetin showed maximum values as well as percent improvement over control in almost all the characters studied followed by GA3, IBA and salicylic acid. Improvement observed through seed priming indirectly reflects role of growth regulators in amelioration of salt stress.


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How to Cite

TIWARI, T. N., KAMAL, D., & PRASAD, S. R. (2016). Seed priming with growth regulators ameliorates salt stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(8), 980–3.