Interactive effect of irrigation schedules and fertigation levels on fruit yield, quality and plant nutrition of Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata)

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  • P S SHIRGURE ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440 010
  • A K SRIVASTAVA ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440 010
  • A D HUCHCHE ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440 010


Citrus, Drip irrigation, Fertigation, Fruit quality, Irrigation schedule, Leaf nutrient uptake, Nagpur mandarin, Productivity, Yield per unit canopy volume, Yield


Water and nutrient-useefficiency, both are considered as pre-requisites for sustained citrus productivity. The interactive effect of irrigation and fertigation levels on growth, yield and quality of 11-year-old Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) was studied through a field experiment during 2010-13 at ICAR-Central Citrus Research Institute (Formerly NRCC), Nagpur under AICRP Fruits. The experiment was laid out in split-plot design with nine treatment combinations, comprising three irrigation levels (70 %, 80 % and 90 % of daily evaporation replenishment) and three fertigation levels (60 %, 70 % and 80 % RDF based NPK doses) replicated six times. Canopy volume (74.9 m3) and fruit yield (19.2 tonnes/ha) were observed maximum with the drip irrigation scheduled at 80 % ER combined with 80 % RDF fertigation. The fruit quality parameters, such as fruit weight (129.2 g), juice percentage (45.05 %), TSS (10.27o Brix) and lowest acidity (0.81) were observed favorable with irrigation at 80% and fertigation at 80% RDF, in addition to maximum nutrient concentration in index leaves ( 2.38 % N, 0.12 % P and 1.50 % K) duly supported by changes in available pool of nutrients in soil (123.8 mg/kg N, 14.8 mg/kg P2O5 and 261.2 mg/kg K2O). Interestingly yield efficiency computed as fruit yield per unit canopy volume was also observed maximum (0.26) with treatment carrying irrigation at 80% ER and fertigation with 80% RDF. The sustained productivity of Nagpur mandarin can be achieved with irrigation scheduled at 80 % ER along with fertigation technology at 80 % RDF without any potential nutrient mining.


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How to Cite

SHIRGURE, P. S., SRIVASTAVA, A. K., HUCHCHE, A. D., & PATIL, P. (2016). Interactive effect of irrigation schedules and fertigation levels on fruit yield, quality and plant nutrition of Nagpur mandarin (Citrus reticulata). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 86(11), 1509–14.