Horticultural crops and climate change: A review

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  • S K MALHOTRA Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi 110 001



Carbon trade, Carbon sink, Climate change, Growing period, Horticultural crops, Physiological response


If agriculture is the main stay towards the emission of greenhouse gases induced climate change, horticultural crops have a much bigger role to play in countering the negative consequences of climate change by providing a better carbon trade and carbon sink. One of the most ominous physiological responses that accrue in response to climate change is the shortened growing period, causing distinctive reduction in production of fruits and vegetables. These responses will leave negative impact on growth and development of horticultural crops due to terminal heat stress and deprived soil water availability. Interventions seeking climate-smart horticulture are, therefore, felt an unwarranted necessity integrating location-specific and knowledge-intensive premise for improving production under such challenging environment. Crop-based adaptation strategies are needed keeping in view the nature of crop, its sensitivity level and the agro-ecological region. Simultaneously, keeping an eye on carbon sink potential of different horticultural crops vis-à-vis annual field crops will further aid in developing a blue print for redressal of climate change related issues.


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How to Cite

MALHOTRA, S. K. (2017). Horticultural crops and climate change: A review. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(1), 12–22. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v87i1.67138