Zinc management effects on quality and nutrient yield of fodder maize (Zea mays)

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  • RAKESH KUMAR ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • M SINGH ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • B S MEENA ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • H RAM ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • C M PARIHAR ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • SOURABH KUMAR ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • M R YADAV ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • R K MEENA ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • U KUMAR ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana
  • V K MEENA ICAR-National Dairy research institute, Karnal, Haryana



Fodder maize, Foliar zinc nutrition, Productivity and Quality


Relationship between zinc deficiencies in soil that inturn in crop plants, animal and ultimately in human nutrition is reported in several studies. Agronomic fortification through soil and foliar application of zinc could be viable option to improve the productivity and quality of fodder maize, which ultimately helps in alleviate zinc deficiency in animals. Therefore, we attempted to evaluate the performance of fodder maize (Zea mays L.) in two consecutive kharif seasons, i.e. 2014 and 2015. The experiment was laid out in split plot arrangement with two main-plot treatments consisting of varieties (African tall and J-1006) and six sub-plot treatments of zinc fertilization (Zn0-No zinc sulphate; Zn1-10 kg/ha ZnSO04 as basal dose ; Zn2 -20 kg/ha ZnSO04 as basal dose ; Zn3 -0.5% one foliar spray of ZnSO4 at 30 DAS ; Zn4 -0.5% two foliar spray of ZnSO4 at 30 and 45 DAS and Zn5 -10 kg/ha ZnSO4 as basal dose +0.5% one foliar spray at 30 DAS). Results shows that both the verieties tested were found statistically at par for all the tested parameters except crude protein (CP) content, in which J-1006 accumulated higher CP over African tall. The highest green and dry fodder yield were recorded with Zn2(60.16 and 14.15 tonnes/ha) which was on par to Zn5 and Zn4 while lowest with Zn0 (46.69 and 10.25 tonnes/ha). Likewise CP, ether extract (EE) and ash content and their yields found maximum with treatment soil application @ 20 kg ZnSO4 followed by combined fertilization soil application @ 10kg ZnSO4 + one foliar spray of 0.5% Zn sulphate and two foliar spray of 0.5% of Zn sulphate. However, in contrast to these the maximum values of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL) reported with Zn0 (66.87, 43.43 and 5.44% DM) while lowest with Zn4 (64.30, 41.56 and 5.20% DM). The zinc fertilization of maize with 20 kg/ha ZnSO4 hepta hydrate as basal dose resulted in 31.3 and 50.9% higher zinc content and uptake, respectively over control. Overall, our study suggest that zinc fertilization of maize through soil and/or foliar spray can enhance not only fodder productivity and quality but also improve, nutrient uptake of fodder maize in north-western region of India and elsewhere under similar agro-climatic conditions.


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How to Cite

KUMAR, R., SINGH, M., MEENA, B. S., RAM, H., PARIHAR, C. M., KUMAR, S., YADAV, M. R., MEENA, R. K., KUMAR, U., & MEENA, V. K. (2017). Zinc management effects on quality and nutrient yield of fodder maize (Zea mays). The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(8), 1013–1017. https://doi.org/10.56093/ijas.v87i8.73070