Efficacy of zinc on yield, economics and soil properties of wheat (Triticum aestivum) in black soil of central Gujarat
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Nutrient uptake, Soil properties, Vertisol, Wheat, Yield, ZincAbstract
A field trial was conducted during winter (rabi) season 2011 to 13 in vertisol to study the influence of zinc on yield, nutrient uptake, economics and soil properties of wheat. The recommended doses of N, P and K were applied @ 120 N: 60 P2O5: 40 K2O kg/ha in combination with Zn @ 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5 and 10 kg/ha were applied at time of sowing in all the treatments. Results of study revealed that the yield, harvest index and nutrient uptake (N, K and Zn). Zinc increased significantly with the application of recommended N P K + Zn @ 10 kg/ha as compared to NPK alone and other doses of zinc. In general, yield, harvest index and total nutrient uptake, increased to the highest level of Zn, except total P uptake. The maximum yield (grain-44.37 and straw-50.74 kg/ha) and total nutrient uptake (N-117.23 kg/ha, K-85.90 kg/ha and Zn 286.41 g/ha), was recorded by the application of 10 kg Zn/ha along with recommended dose of NPK as compared to control. The total P uptake declined with increasing levels of Zn. There was no appraisal change in soil pH, EC, organic carbon and CaCO3, but the status of DTPA-extractable Zn of soil was improved remarkably owing to Zn application with combination of recommended NPK. The economics the yield revealed that the FLD recorded higher gross returns (Rupees 55625) and net return (Rupees 32925) with higher benefit cost ratio (2.45) when compared to control. The impact of FLDs was analyzed and remarkable improvement of knowledge and satisfaction of farmers in terms of yield and revenue by dint of technological intervention.Downloads
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