Field evaluation of double petalled tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) genotypes for vegetative growth, floral and bulb production parameters

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Bulb, Cut flower, Polianthes tuberosa, Spike, Tuberose


Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) occupies a very selective and special position for loose flower, cut flower and essential oils trade. Generally, in cut flower trade, Double petalled genotypes are more popular than single petalled. A particular genotype may or may not perform satisfactorily in a given location. Hence, seven double petalled tuberose genotypes, viz. Pearl Double, Arka Suvasini, Hyderabad Double, Arka Vaibhav, STR 505, Calcutta Double and Swarn Rekha were evaluated during 2012-2013 for various vegetative growth, floral and bulb traits under open field condition at ICAR- Directorate of Floricultural Research, New Delhi. Significant variations for all studied parameters were recorded in evaluated genotypes. Cultivar Swarn Rekha produced significantly higher plant height (47.03 cm) followed by cv. Arka Vaibhav (44.43 cm). The lowest plant height was recorded in cv. STR 505 (38.26cm). Maximum width of leaves (2.29 cm), fresh weight of leaves (130.28 g) and dry weight of leaves (19.18 g) per clump and number of spikes per plot (143.00) were recorded in cv. Arka Vaibhav. Cultivar Hyderabad Double took maximum number of days to first flowering (120.00) and cv. Arka Suvasini took least days to first flowering (100.00). Higher number of leaves per clump (33.55), flowering duration (24.55 day), spike length (91.91 cm), rachis length(47.84 cm), spike diameter (12.41 mm), number of florets/spike (69.90), fresh weight of florets/spike (253.83 g), fresh weight (191.90 g) and dry weight (19.14 g) of cut spike, number of tepals/floret (24.19), diameter (5.46 cm) and length (6.40 cm) of open floret, diameter (12.24 mm) and length (5.31 cm) of mature floret and weight of 10 open(46.80 g) and mature (23.20 g) florets, number of bulbs (17.00) and bulblets (9.38) per clump, total weight of bulbs (302.53 g) and bulblets (29.96 g) per clump, average diameter of bulb (28.09 mm) and bulblet (11.23 mm), average weight of bulb (27.03 g) and bulblet (3.78 g) and average length of bulb (7.46 cm) were obtained in cv. Arka Suvasini. In all genotypes, no seed setting was reported. Cultivar Arka Vaibhav developed greenish floret at bud stage, while remaining six genotypes developed pinkish flower bud. Higher internodal length was measured in cv. STR 505 (6.40cm) and shorter in Arka Vaibhav (4.71 cm). The lowest values for majority of the vegetative growth, floral and bulb parameters were recorded in cv. Swarn Rekha. However, the lowest values for bulblet development parameters were obtained in cv. Arka Vaibhav. Conclusively, based on overall yield and quality parameters, cv. Arka Suvasini and Arka Vaibhav were found to be most promising and can be recommended for future commercialization.


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Author Biography


    Principal Scientist, Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012.


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How to Cite

SINGH, K. P. (2017). Field evaluation of double petalled tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa) genotypes for vegetative growth, floral and bulb production parameters. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87(11), 1549–1553.