Relative impacts of long-term nutrient management practices on nitrogen dynamics in rice (Oryza sativa)-based organic cropping systems of Indo-Gangatic Plains

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Ammonical N, Available N, Crop residues, Farmyard manure, Mineral N, Potential mineralizable N, Total N, Urease enzyme, Vermicompost


Limited information is available on the impacts of long-term organic nutrient management practices on different nitrogen pools and urease enzyme activity. Hence, the major objective of this study was to evaluate long-term (12 years) organic nutrient management practices’ impact on different nitrogen pools and urease activity. Treatments were two cropping systems, viz. rice (Oryza sativa L.) –wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek] (RWMCS) and rice-wheat (RWCS) in strips and seven nutrient combinations, i.e. FYM equivalent to 60kg N/ha, VC equivalent to 60 kg N/ha, FYM + crop residue (CR) of preceding crop @ 3 t/ha for each rice, wheat and mungbean, VC+CR, FYM+CR+BF and VC+CR+BF and control under sub-plots. Available N, microbial biomass N (MBN), mineral N, potential mineralizable (PMN), total N and urease enzyme assay were analysed in 0-15 cm soil depth. Results showed that FYM+CR+BF recorded 5.5% and 7.7% higher available N as compared to the FYM alone in both RWMCS and RWCS, respectively. Similarly, an increment of 4.0% and 7.5% in available N was observed with VC+CR+BF over VC alone in both the cropping systems, respectively. MBN ranged from 47.1 mg/kg (control) to 69.6mg/kg (FYM) under RWMCS and 43.2 mg/kg (control) to 67.6 mg/kg (FYM) under RWCS. Treatments FYM+CR and FYM+CR+BF showed 5.0% and 30% lower ammonical N as compared to FYM alone treatments in RWMCS. Concurrently, in case of RWCS, the magnitude of decrease in ammonical N content was similar (21.1%) both in FYM+CR and FYM+CR+BF. The total mineral nitrogen (NH4+ -N+ NO 3 - -N) content was significantly influenced by the application of organic manures, crop residues and biofertilizers in both RWMCS and RWCS and their interaction effects. The FYM+CR+BF treatment recorded highest (56.4 mg/kg) potential mineralizable N (PMN) among all the treatments with an increment of 86.4% and 104% the over control in RWMCS and RWCS, respectively. The VC+CR showed 6.1% and 5.5% higher total N content over the control in RWMCS and RWCS, respectively. The content of urease enzyme ranged from 155.1 μg urea/g soil/h (control) to 230.4 μg urea/g soil/h (VC+CR) and 144.3 μg urea/g soil/h (control) to 233.6 μg urea/g soil/h (FYM+CR) in RWMCS and RWCS, respectively


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Author Biographies

    Scientist, ICAR-Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research, Modipuram, Meerut 250 110.
    Principal Scientist,
    Principal Scientist, Division of Agronomy
    Principal Scientist, Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry,
    Professor, Division of Soil Science and
    Agricultural Chemistry,
    Principal Scientist, Division of Microbiology, ICAR-Indian
    Agricultural Research Institute, New Dehli 110 012.


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How to Cite

MEENA, A. L., PANDEY, R. N., KUMAR, D., SHARMA, V. K., DATTA, S. P., & SINGH, G. (2019). Relative impacts of long-term nutrient management practices on nitrogen dynamics in rice (Oryza sativa)-based organic cropping systems of Indo-Gangatic Plains. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(1), 79–86.