Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) establishment methods based systemintensification: Effects on Bt cotton growth, weed suppression, system crop and water productivity, system-profitability and land–use efficiency in Indo– Gangetic plains region

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  • SUDHIR K RAJPOOT Ph D Scholar, ICAR–Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012
  • D S RANA Emiratus Scientist, ICAR–Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012
  • ANIL K CHOUDHARY Senior Scientist, ICAR–Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012
  • POOJA PANDE Senior Research Fellow, ICAR–Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi 110 012


Bt cotton, Land–use efficiency, Profitability, System productivity, System intensification, Transplanted cotton, Water productivity, Weed suppression


A field experiment was conducted at IARI, New Delhi during 2014-15 and 2015-16 to study the effect of Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) establishment methods (CEMs) and planting geometry on plant growth, yield and weed suppression behaviour in Bt cotton vis-à-vis system productivity, profitability, water-productivity, production-efficiency, economic-efficiency and land use efficiency. The experiment was laid out in split-plot-design with four replications comprising two CEMs [transplanted-cotton (TPC) and direct-seeded-cotton (DSC)] and three planting geometries/plant densities [(90×60 cm (18,518 plants/ha); 75 × 45 cm (29629 plants/ha) and 60×45 cm (37,037 plants/ha)] and four cropping systems viz. TPC−wheat−mungbean; TPC−onion−fodder cowpea + maize; DSC−wheat; and DSC−onion cropping system under above two CEMs. Among CEMs, the DSC-cotton resulted in higher plant growth though the seed yield and lint yield were respectively higher by ~9.54% and ~15% under TPC-cotton over DSC-cotton due to better plant stand in TPC–CEM. On an average, the significantly highest system productivity in terms of seed-cottonequivalent- yield (SCEY) was registered in TPC−wheat−mungbean/TPC−onion−fodder cowpea + maize cropping systems (mean of both systems) during 2014–15 (6.75 t/ha) and 2015–16 (6.96 t/ha), respectively. In general, the legume-intensification in TPC–based cropping systems exhibited about 25 to 27% higher system yield (SCEY) over DSC–based cropping systems. The TPC–based cropping systems exhibited additional net economic gains of ` 43000/ ha vis-à-vis higher weed suppression, system crop and water productivity, system economic-efficiency and land–use efficiency over the DSC–based systems. Likewise, planting geometry/planting density of 60 × 45 cm (37037 plants/ ha) exhibited significantly higher system productivity (SCEY) (6.58 t/ha), system net returns (` 178450/ha), system water-productivity and system economic-efficiency over other two planting geometries viz. 75 × 45 cm and 90 × 60 cm. In nutshell, system-intensification through transplanted Bt-cotton based cropping systems (TPC−wheat−mungbean/ TPC−onion−fodder cowpea + maize) and planting geometry/planting density of 60 × 45 cm (37037 plants/ha) led to higher weed suppression, system productivity, system economic-efficiency, system water-productivity and land–use efficiency in Indo–Gangetic plains region.


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How to Cite

RAJPOOT, S. K., RANA, D. S., CHOUDHARY, A. K., & PANDE, P. (2019). Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) establishment methods based systemintensification: Effects on Bt cotton growth, weed suppression, system crop and water productivity, system-profitability and land–use efficiency in Indo– Gangetic plains region. The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 89(2), 253–260.