Relative condition factor and gonado-somatic index in Sillago sihama (Forskal)

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  • C R Reddy P. C. Centre. Kar;lataka University. Kodibag. Karwar. Kamataka 581 303
  • B Neelakantan P. C. Centre. Kar;lataka University. Kodibag. Karwar. Kamataka 581 303


The weight of a fish varies with the cube
of its length. Variations from the expected
weight from the length of individual fishes or
group of fishes are detected by analysing the
length-weight relationship. The condition factor
is given by the formula K = 100 W/L 3
where' K' represents the condition factor. 'W'
the weight of fish and 'L' the len~rth of fish.
This tormula is based on comparison with an
ideal fish where the cube relationship holds
good. Le Cren (1951) proposed the relative
condition factor, 'Kn', in preference to condition
factor as the latter is highly influenced by
many environmental and biological factors.

Author Biographies

  • C R Reddy, P. C. Centre. Kar;lataka University. Kodibag. Karwar. Kamataka 581 303
    P. C. Centre. Kar;lataka University. Kodibag. Karwar. Kamataka 581 303
  • B Neelakantan, P. C. Centre. Kar;lataka University. Kodibag. Karwar. Kamataka 581 303
    P. C. Centre. Kar;lataka University. Kodibag. Karwar. Kamataka 581 303





How to Cite

Reddy, C. R., & Neelakantan, B. (2011). Relative condition factor and gonado-somatic index in Sillago sihama (Forskal). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 40(3), 171-174.