Seasonal variation of fatty acid profile in edible tissue of deep-sea whip lobster Puerulus sewelli (Decapoda, Palinuridae)

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  • Kajal Chakraborty Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
  • SOUMYA KRISHNAN Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
  • REKHA DEVI CHAKRABORTY Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
  • ASWATHY ELIZABETH MANI Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
  • P. VIJAYAGOPAL Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute


 Seasonal variations of the fatty acid profile of deep-sea whip lobster Puerulus sewelli (Decapoda, Palinuridae), harvested
from the south-west coast of India were compared. Fatty acid contents showed seasonal fluctuations, with eicosapentaenoic
acid and docosahexaenoic acid being predominant during the post-monsoon and winter seasons (9-11% of cumulative fatty
acids). P. sewelli was found to possess considerably higher C20-22 n-3 fatty acids during these seasons along with balanced
n-3/n-6 (>2) and polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acid ratio (≥1) than those in pre-monsoon. Greater hypocholesterolemic/
hypercholesterolemic ratio (>2.4) and lesser atherogenicity (<1.8) and thrombogenicity (<0.3) indices qualify P. sewelli an
ideal health food. This study comprises the first report on fatty acid profile from commercially important deep-sea whip
lobster P. sewelli.

Keywords: Atherogenicity index, Non-conventional resource, Polyunsaturated fatty acid, Seafood benefits, Thrombogenicity index

Author Biographies

  • Kajal Chakraborty, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
    Principal Scientist, Marine Biotechnology Division
  • SOUMYA KRISHNAN, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
    Senior Research Fellow, Marine Biotechnology Division
  • REKHA DEVI CHAKRABORTY, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
    Principal Scientist, Crustacean Fisheries Division
  • ASWATHY ELIZABETH MANI, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
    Postdoctoral Fellow, Marine Biotechnology Division
  • P. VIJAYAGOPAL, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute

    Formerly (Retd) Principal Scientist, Marine Biotechnology Division









How to Cite

Chakraborty, K., KRISHNAN, S., CHAKRABORTY, R. D., MANI, A. E., & VIJAYAGOPAL, P. (2022). Seasonal variation of fatty acid profile in edible tissue of deep-sea whip lobster Puerulus sewelli (Decapoda, Palinuridae). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 69(4).