EGGS, LARVAE AND JUVENILES OF FISHES FROM INDIAN WATERS XI. Further Observations on the Genus Auxis Cuvier

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  • S Jones Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute


Two species are known under the genus Auxis and both have been recorded
from Indian coasts (Jones, .1958; Jones and Silas, 1960). Of these the short
corseletted form, A. (hazard, is found in all the warm seas while the long
corseletted form A. thynnoides is considered to be confined to the Indo-
Pacific. However, Matsumoto (1959) has expressed the view that the species
occurring on the Atlantic coast of America has a long corselet, which if
confirmed, would change considerably our distributional concept of the
two species. While there is no doubt about the existence of two species
of Auxis in the Indo-Pacific, it is obvious that thek nomenclature requires
further elucidation (Jones and Silas, MS.).

Author Biography

  • S Jones, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
    Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute





How to Cite

Jones, S. (2011). EGGS, LARVAE AND JUVENILES OF FISHES FROM INDIAN WATERS XI. Further Observations on the Genus Auxis Cuvier. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 8(2), 413-421.