Production potential of early segregated all-male population of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) in tropical earthen pond condition

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  • P P Suresh Babu
  • G Venugopal
  • A K Reddy


Production potential of all-male culture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was evaluated by comparing the yield obtained from
an early segregated all-male population (post-larvae of average size ≅ 50 mm) with a mixed population comprising males
and females in 1:1 ratio. Nursery reared prawns were size graded, sexes segregated manually by observing the presence or
absence of appendix masculina, stocked in four replicates in earthen ponds of 200 m2 area at a density of 1 m-2 and reared for
a period of 90 days. The results revealed an all-male population production of 30.7 g m-2 90 days-1 with an average individual
weight of 42.2 g with 62.3% of marketable prawns whereas in mixed population, a production of 23.65 g m-2 90 days-1 with
an average individual weight of 30.7 g with 47.14% of marketable prawns were obtained. The production of all-male population
was 30% higher than that of mixed population.









How to Cite

Suresh Babu, P. P., Venugopal, G., & Reddy, A. K. (2016). Production potential of early segregated all-male population of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) in tropical earthen pond condition. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 56(3), 195-198.