Food and feeding habits of striped spiny eel, Macrognathus pancalus (Hamilton)

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  • M Serajuddin Department of Zoology, Kashi Naresh Government Post Graduate College, Gyanpur (St. Ravidas Nagar-Bhadohi) - 221 304 (U.P.).
  • Rustam Ali Department of Zoology, Kashi Naresh Government Post Graduate College, Gyanpur (St. Ravidas Nagar-Bhadohi) - 221 304 (U.P.).


The striped spiny eel, Macrognathus pancalus, is highly predacious in nature. Feeding intensity with respect to season, maturity stages and food items of this fish were investigated. There was no major shift from the carnivorous orientation of the fish during its various life stages. Aquatic insects, crustaceans,
annelids, small forage fish were the main food of this fish. Feeding intensity was high in early maturity and post spawning stages and was relatively lower in the specimens with ripe gonads. Adults consumed more food in autumn than in winter and rainy season. Food intake in younger specimens was greater during monsoon and post monsoon seasons. Well developed dentition, strongly built stomach and short intestine besides other characteristics are related to its dietary habit.

Author Biographies

  • M Serajuddin, Department of Zoology, Kashi Naresh Government Post Graduate College, Gyanpur (St. Ravidas Nagar-Bhadohi) - 221 304 (U.P.).
    Department of Zoology, Kashi Naresh Government Post Graduate College,
    Gyanpur (St. Ravidas Nagar-Bhadohi) - 221 304 (U.P.).
  • Rustam Ali, Department of Zoology, Kashi Naresh Government Post Graduate College, Gyanpur (St. Ravidas Nagar-Bhadohi) - 221 304 (U.P.).
    Department of Zoology, Kashi Naresh Government Post Graduate College,
    Gyanpur (St. Ravidas Nagar-Bhadohi) - 221 304 (U.P.).





How to Cite

Serajuddin, M., & Ali, R. (2011). Food and feeding habits of striped spiny eel, Macrognathus pancalus (Hamilton). Indian Journal of Fisheries, 52(1), 81-86.