Effect of different depths and soaking periods on crab catch in folding dome-shaped traps, in Rembang Sea, Indonesia
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Effect of depth and soaking time on crab catch in folding trap
The objective of this study was to compare the catches of crabs caught in folding dome-shaped trap from two different depths (17 and 40 m) and threesoaking periods (12, 15 and 18 h). The fishing operation for the traps followed the standard method of fishers except for the different soaking periods. Data were analysed using paired sample t-test The analysis showed that there were significant (p<0.001) differences in the total catch of crabs between depths and soaking periods. The total catch of crabs from 40 m depth was higher than that from 17 m.
Keywords: Crab, Depth, Folding dome-shaped trap, Soaking period
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Boesono, H., Zulyani, Z., Prihantoko, K. E., & Fitri, A. D. P. (2022). Effect of different depths and soaking periods on crab catch in folding dome-shaped traps, in Rembang Sea, Indonesia: Effect of depth and soaking time on crab catch in folding trap. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 69(2). https://doi.org/10.21077/ijf.2022.69.2.99723-16