The Effect of Vitamin D3 on Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Local Adult Male Rabbits

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  • Shaymaa A. Al-jubouri University of Ninevah, College of Pharmacy, Mosul, Iraq
  • AsmaaJ.AL-Leylla Al-Noor University College, Mosul, Iraq


Vitamin D3, Hematological parameters, Liver enzymes, rabbits.


Vitamin D3 is considered as a biological form of vitamin D, it is important for bone and skeletal muscle growth, immune function, and inflammation. In the past decade, several studies demonstrated a potential link between vitamin D3 deficiency and various diseases. To evaluate the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on certain hematological (blood parameters) and biochemical (liver enzymes) parameters of rabbits, which reflects the effect of this vitamin on the health status and general functions of the body. For this study, vitamin D3 was used in different dosage levels, in sixteen male rabbits (6-12 months old, 2.5±0.5kg body weight)  grouped into CG (control), G1 (10000 IU/ml), G2 (20000 IU/ml) and G3 (50000 IU/ml)with four rabbits in each group.. Each group was injected with vitamin D3 subcutaneously as 0.1 mL/kgB.W. weekly for 4 weeks. To assess hematological parameters and liver function, blood samples (3-5ml for each sample) were obtained. Results revealed a significant increase (P≤0.05) in the mean value of (RBC, Hb, PCV, HCT, Lymphocytes, and PLT) in all treated groups as compared to controlgroup, and an increase in WBC was noted in G2 and G3 although this increase was not significant while in G1 there was a substantial drop in the overall leukocyte number. Concerning PLT indices (MPV and PDW) values, there was a statistically marked increase (P≤ 0.05) in G3 while in G1and G2 no significant differences were noticed as compared to the control. In addition, we did not notice any significant difference between the treated groups and the control for red blood cell indices (MCV, MCH, and MCHC). Conclusion: It can be concluded that vitamin D3 in the all doses used in the current study particularly the high dose (50000IU/mlas 0.1 mL/kg.B.W) is safe for therapeutic use for the treatment of anemia and immune deficiency problems.


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How to Cite

Shaymaa A. Al-jubouri, & AsmaaJ.AL-Leylla. (2023). The Effect of Vitamin D3 on Physiological and Biochemical Parameters of Local Adult Male Rabbits. The Indian Veterinary Journal, 100(9), 12-18.