Evaluation and Modelling of Water Absorption Characteristics of Paddy

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  • S. J. Kale
  • S. K. Jha
  • G. K. Jha
  • D. V. K. Samuel


Diffusivity, activation energy, Page model, neural network model


Water absorption characteristics of paddy (PB1121) were evaluated over a temperature range 40 to 80oC. The equilibrium moisture content of the grain during water absorption varied from 48.24 to 55% (d.b.). Average critical moisture content of PB1121 for soaking during parboiling was 41.67% (d.b.). Average moisture diffusivity during water absorption process was 5.06x10-10 m2.s-1 and activation energy was 53.85 kJ.mol-1. Modelling of water absorption behaviour using Page model revealed that it fitted well at individual temperatures (R2>0.9). However, the Generalized Page model provided poor performance with R2 of 0.65, MSE 0.0018 and mean relative deviation modulus (% P) 48.02, whereas multi-layer perceptron neural network model fitted well with R2 =0.99, MSE =0.0013 and P =14.69%.

Author Biographies

  • S. J. Kale
    Research Scholar,
  • S. K. Jha
    Senior Scientist, Division of Post Harvest Technology,
  • G. K. Jha
    Senior Scientist, Division of Agricultural
  • D. V. K. Samuel
    Head, Division of Agricultural Engineering, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi.





How to Cite

Kale, S. J., Jha, S. K., Jha, G. K., & Samuel, D. V. K. (2014). Evaluation and Modelling of Water Absorption Characteristics of Paddy. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 50(3). https://epubs.icar.org.in/index.php/JAE/article/view/37034