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Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines for Authors

1. The Potato Journal publishes reviews (by invitation), full length papers, short notes and book reviews (by invitation) on basic and applied research on potato. Manuscripts type-written in English, double spaced with at least 4 cm margin on all sides should be submitted online after getting registered on : All the authors should be members of the association (foreign authors are exempted).

2. All manuscripts submitted for publication will be peer reviewed and assessed for their acceptability and necessary modifications. An already published paper or under consideration for publication, wholly or substantially elsewhere, cannot be accepted. The article submitted for publication in the journal should not have data older than 5 years. The cut-off date will be March 31 for winter (rabi) crop and September 30 for a summer/ rainy season (kharif) crop.

3. Title of the paper, name(s) and address(es) of authors, a short running title of the paper (<50 characters conveying main theme of the article), acknowledgements (if any), and name of the corresponding author (with E-mail address) should be submitted in separate file (supplementary file). Identity of authors should not be disclosed/ indicated in any form in the text of the paper. Footnotes should be numbered in plain Arabic superscripts (Use MS word→insert footnote facility in default form).

4. Full length paper should consist of TITLE, ABSTRACT, KEYWORDS, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION and LITERATURE CITED, (capitalize all section headings including the title). Title of the paper should be informative but concise and should not contain abbreviation(s). Title should contain most of the keywords for better indexing and information retrieval. In byline, all the name(s) with initial(s) of the authors should have an Arabic superscript (starting from first author e.g. RL Singh1, C Kumar1, TK Nath2, CP Mehta1 and KR Kapur3) which should subsequently explain the addresses of all the authors. ABSTRACT should not have reference to literature and tables/ figures and its length should be less than 200 words. Abstract is the most important section of the paper in the process of indexing of journals hence it should be written carefully. KEYWORDS (3-5) should indicate the most important findings, material and operations in the article. INTRODUCTION should be brief and limited to the statement of problem, gaps in research, justification of the research work and objectives of the study. MATERIALS AND METHODS section of the paper should be systematic and elaborative. Microsoft Equation facility should be used to write formula. Known methods of research/ analysis shouldn’t be explained and a reference should be cited for further clarification. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION should be presented in single section to avoid the repetitions. Results should be discussed at 5% or less level of probability. Same data shouldn’t be presented in tables as well as in figures. Simple narration of the data presented in tables and figures should be avoided in this section and an effort should be made to relate the flow of information to the objectives of the study with an emphasis on implications of the findings to fellow researchers, policy makers and other beneficiaries of the research. Statements not based on the current study should be supported with references. CONCLUSION section should crystallise the summary of results and their implications for further research and/ or solving the problem at various levels. Any part of the text in this section shouldn't be taken verbatim from other section(s) of the paper. LITERATURE CITED shouldn't be older than 10 years unless the reference is highly important or is a landmark in a particular field. References from standard scientific journals should be preferred for citation and as far as possible the unpublished references shouldn't be cited. Citation of literature should be strictly as per the details explained in following points. A paper of limited significance may be restricted to 4-5 pages in length and may be submitted as a 'SHORT NOTE' in which the Abstract is omitted. In case of short notes text should not be divided into sections except for title, keywords and LITERATURE CITED.

5. Due to the high cost of production, only essential information should be included in the paper. Normally the paper should be less than 15 typed pages including tables, figures, references and appendices. Manuscripts requiring more than minor corrections will be returned to the authors for modification.

6. Diagrams (avoid 3D unless really functional) should be about twice the size of the finished block. Photographs must be in black and white with adequate contrast. Digital (computer created) diagrams/ photographs are preferred. Colour photographs will be printed only if authors agree to pay the charges for such printing. Each table, diagram and photograph must have a caption. Both diagrams and photographs are considered figures and should be numbered serially as (Fig. 1) and (Fig. 2) etc. Tables and figures with their captions should be appended after the text and only their eventual position should be indicated in the text.

7. Reference citations in text

The last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication should be cited in the text as per style given below.

.....the late blight of potato (Singh, 2011); or .....the late blight of potato (Singh and Kumar, 2011);
or .....the late blight of potato (Singh et al., 2011).

If the last name(s) of the author becomes a part of the narrative, cite the year in parenthesis; e.g.
.....the late blight of potato was described by Singh (2011) as a perpetual challenge; or .....the late blight
of potato was described by Singh and Kumar (2011) as a perpetual challenge; or .....the late blight of potato
was described by Singh et al. (2011) as a perpetual challenge.

If the citation is a contribution of an organisation or anonymous author(s) then cite name of the organisation
or mention 'Anonymous' like first name of the single author as given below.

.....the late blight of potato (CPRI, 2011) or ...the late blight of potato (Anonymous, 2011). Similarly .....the
late blight of potato was described by CPRI (2011) as a perpetual challenge or .....the late blight of potato
was described by Anonymous (2011) as a perpetual challenge.

References cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically (Singh et al., 2001; Kumar, 2004; Kapur and Nath, 2011).

8. Reference list

References cited in the text of a research paper must appear in the list of LITERATURE CITED and vice-versa,
as per the style given below.

Order: References should be arranged in alphabetical order by author's last names. Sources without authors are arranged alphabetically by the name of the institute (preferably in abbreviated form) or Anonymous as the author's last name.

Sequence: Name(s) and initial(s) of the authors should be followed by the year of publication (in parenthesis and distinguished by small a, b, c, .... where more than one papers published by the same author (s) in the same year are cited), full title of paper, abbreviated title of the journal (as per ISI journal title abbreviations)/ periodical, volume number in Arabic numerals (in bold font), issue number in Arabic (in parenthesis; without any character between volume number and start of parenthesis) and page numbers in Arabic. Use full stop after title of the paper to separate it from the title of the journal/ periodical. For further clarification see examples following the heading Pagination, below.

Authors and year of publication: Write the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work followed by the year of publication in parenthesis.

Journal title abbreviations: The journal titles should be italicised and abbreviated as per ISI Journal Title Abbreviations. Use following link to download complete list from the internet.

Internet address: A stable internet address directing the reader as close as possible to the actual work should be used. If available, use digital object identifier (DOI). If abbreviated name of the organisation is used as author name then expand name of the organisation with address after title of reference. It should be followed by the stable internet address and URL and then by the date of retrieval of the information.

Separation of entities: In order to separate multiple authors use "," (except the last author), however, use "and" to separate last author e.g. Smith JD, Jones M, Lipton M and Thompson P (2011). Don't use "," after last name of the author(s) and full stop after initials. Use full stop to separate entities where one ends with alphabets and second also starts with alphabets. Where entities are separated by alphabets and numerals/ parenthesis, use only the blank space; however full stop has to be used at the end of the title of the reference in all cases. Don't use full stop(s) after title abbreviation(s). Use ":" followed by a blank before typing page number(s) of a reference in all cases.

Pagination: First and last page number of the article separated by "-" should be given towards the end of the listed reference. Use "p" (without a dot after p) to describe total number of pages in the referred document where a specific range of page numbers is not relevant.

Some examples of reference citation style

Journals, magazines and newspapers

Scott G, Best R, Rosegrant M and Ringler C (2000) Global projection for root and tuber crops to the year 2020. Food Policy 25(5): 561-97

Anonymous (2010) Agribusiness in India: green shoots. Economist 394(13-19 March): 65-66

Chakravarty C and Pandey B (2005) Growing roots in farmlands: an interview with Ms Indra Nooyi, worldwide president and CFO, PepsiCo. Econ Times 29 August 2005

Online sources

FAO (2008) Potato world: Africa-international year of the potato 2008. Food and Agriculture Organisation,
Rome., 31 December 2008

Hirtle PB (2008) Copyright renewal, copyright restoration, and the difficulty of determining copyright status. D-Lib Magazine 14(7-8), DOI:10.1045/july2008-hirtle

Anonymous (2008) Encyclopaedia Britannica., 6 May 2008

E-Views (2006) E-Views quantitative software., 28 September 2006

Book and book chapter

Guenthner J (2001) The International Potato Industry. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge: 312p, ISBN-13: 978 1 85573 465 4

Adiyoga W and Norton GW (2009) Costs and benefits of Bt potato with resistance to potato tuber moth in Indonesia. In, Projected Impacts of Agricultural Biotechnologies for Fruits and Vegetables in the Philippines and Indonesia. Norton GWH (ed), Los Banos, Philippines: 105-40

Annual report, bulletin or working paper

CPRI (2010) Annual report 2009-10. Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, India: 203p

Chand R (2003) Government intervention in food grain markets in the new context. National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi. Policy paper-19: 118p

CPRI (1999) Package of practices of ware and seed potato production in central Indo-Gangetic plains.

Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla, India. Extension bulletin-16: 9p

Theisen K and Thiele G (2008) Implementing CIP's vision: impact targeting. International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Perº. Working paper 2008-4: 24p

Conference presentation

Haq I, Farooq K and Mahmood MM (2008) Screening of potato genotypes for late blight resistance/ tolerance in Pakistan. Poster presented in Global Potato Conference-2008, New Delhi, 9-12 December 2008

Bachem C, de Boer J, Borm T and Visser R (2008) Potato genome sequencing: status report. Paper presented in Global Potato Conference-2008, New Delhi, 9-12 December 2008

Raman KV (2000) Integrated pest management in potato production. In, Potato, Global Research & Development (Proceedings of the Global Conference on Potato, New Delhi, 6-11 December 1999) Khurana SMP, Shekhawat GS, Singh BP and Pandey SK (eds) 1: 345-51

Bradshaw JE (2008) Have we reached yield plateau: a genetic perspective. In, Abstracts: Global Potato Conference-2008. Indian Potato Association, Shimla, India: 3-4


Kaur RJ (2004) Effect of nitrogen management through organic and inorganic sources in potato. Department of Agronomy, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, India, Ph.D. thesis: 99p

Encyclopaedia or dictionary

Kinni TB (2004) Walt Disney (1901-1966): founder of the Walt Disney company. Encyclopaedia of Leadership. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA: 1: 345-49

Cowie AP (1989) Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford

9. SI units: Use SI units; few examples are given below. No dot or full stop is used after the abbreviation of units. Quintal (q) and Acre should not be used. Use kg/ha, or t/ha. Similarly, prefer use of g/ha, mg/kg, mg/l, mg/g, ml/l etc. Do not follow the style kg ha-1 or t ha-1. Standard symbol for INR/ Rupee/ Rupees (`) should be used.









Cubic centimetre


















Square cm




Square km


Mega gram




10.  Authors may receive the galley proofs for correction. Only the corresponding authors shall receive a PDF reprint of the published article by E-mail. The corresponding author may further send PDF reprint to all the authors. The PDF reprint can be used by authors for scientific and technical purposes only and not for commercial use.

11. Useful hints: All scientific or technical names as well as all data and facts must be rechecked carefully before submitting the manuscript. Avoid expressing data in 'lakhs', instead use 'thousand' or 'million'. Only standard abbreviations should be used and these should invariably be explained at first mention. Names of plant protection chemicals should not be capitalized, however, the trade names (avoid mentioning trade names unless essential) should be capitalized. Use of unnecessary abbreviations and treatment symbols such as T1, T2 etc. under MATERIALS AND METHODS or tables without actually using them under RESULTS AND DISCUSSION should be avoided. Use % after numbers (not percent) e.g. 7 %. In a series or range of measurements, mention the units only at end, e.g. 30, 100, 170 and 300 cm (not 30 cm, 100 cm, 170 cm and 300 cm); 20 or 30 % more (not 20 % or 30 % more). Statistical analysis of data in the standard experimental design should be sound and complete in itself with both SEm± and CD (0.05) values given for comparison of treatment means in tables and figures.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • Ethics declarations: Authors must include following ethics declarations in the manuscript: . Conflict of interest: ( e.g. The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest) . Ethical approval: (e.g. This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors)

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Ethical Statement

Potato Journal is a peer-reviewed academic journal that operates on a double-blind review system. Publisher, editors, reviewers, and authors are required to follow our guidelines and standards, as well as best practices in research and publication ethics to guarantee that readers of the journal content have access to high-quality research works. We support the guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (, and follow its flowcharts when dealing with suspected violations of publication ethics.

Authorship: Authors must have made significant academic contributions for the study’s idea, proposal, information collection, analysis, and explanation. All authors must contribute to the development, critical revision, and final approval of the work. As a result, they must agree to accept responsibility for the work. During submission, all co-authors must enter their complete names, e-mail addresses (institutional e-mails are preferred), institutions, and countries into the submission portal.

Declaration of competing interests: Authors must state any potential competing interests that may affect or prejudice their study, such as financial or personal ties, rivalries, or religious convictions. Example of these competing interests include monetary relationships or agreements with an establishment whose invention was utilized or mentioned in the research; any monetary interests derived from a business relationship with a competitor; any remuneration made directly to an author(s) to write the manuscript; and other monetary connections, or other circumstances that may elevate questions about the objectivity of the work or the views expressed within the text. Authors may be requested for more information on the nature of the stated interests. The article may be withheld from publishing depending on the specifics of the case. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the competing interests are disclosed in a note before the references section.

Funding: All funding information, including the grant numbers, should be provided by the authors. Funders or sponsors may be an individual, a business enterprise, or a public agency, such as a university or a research council. If funders or sponsors play a role, even minor, in the design or implementation of research content, details of the case should be included.

Research on live subjects: Authors are responsible for ensuring that the submission adheres to all relevant rules and guidelines of the journal's associated organizations and regulatory frames, such as WMA Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects (at: Authors must seek and record established ethics committee approvals, participant consents, and other documents necessary for the research if live subjects are involved. 

Informed participant consent: To ensure compliance with relevant laws and guidelines, necessary consents and permissions must be received from the participants in order to obtain and use personal information.

Handling confidential data: Confidentiality of the data obtained from individuals or organisations is critical and should not be used without their permission. Authors are expected to take all required steps to secure sensitive participant information, and protect the participants from any potential bodily or psychological damage.

Data sharing and reproducibility: Articles should include statements regarding whether the data of the study will be made available to readers. The statement may convey additional information such as whether credentials such as study procedures will be available; when, for how long, and under what access procedures the data will be accessible. Mendeley Data may be used to supply and share related data. 

Intellectual property: Authors should avoid using copyrighted material in the submitted manuscript. If such material must be included, in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, authors should have received explicit permission from copyright holder that the material can be reproduced under the terms and conditions of Creative Commons Attribution License

Ethical oversight: All associated individuals and organisations, including editors, reviewers, authors, editorial officials, and publisher, must adhere to rigorous ethical guidelines throughout the publishing process and act according to the following COPE statement: "Ethical oversight should include, but is not limited to, policies on consent to publication, publication on vulnerable populations, ethical conduct of research using animals, ethical conduct of research using human subjects, handling confidential data, and ethical business/marketing practices."  

Post-publication corrections and retractions: While all articles are subject to numerous checks during the prepublication processes, published articles may still contain occur. When such errors are discovered, regardless of the cause or source of the error, they are addressed by posting a correction notice explaining the corrections made to the original publication. Similarly, serious errors that undermine the study's findings and conclusions may result in the retraction of the original article. The journal reserves the right to issue retractions if the work is proven to have serious misconduct such as plagiarism. In such circumstances, in line with its ethical understanding and in accordance with the appropriate COPE guidelines, the journal does not hesitate to take the necessary actions required by the case.  

Complaints and appeals: When selecting articles for publication and when handling editorial procedures, editors have considerable discretion. To reach their final selections, they consider many factors, such as the importance of the research question, the quality of the presentation, and the diversity.


Roles and Responsibilities

Authors: Authors certify by submitting a work to the journal that the submission is the authors’ original study that has not been published elsewhere or is not currently under review by another journal. If the manuscript, or portions of the manuscript, or its supporting data is published or presented before, the editors should be notified during submission. The submission should comply with the journal's ethical policies. Authors should disclose any potential competing interests openly and transparently. Works that involve living subjects should be carried out in accordance with institutional, national, and international rules and regulations by obtaining appropriate ethical approval documents and participant consents. All works of others should be correctly referenced. All funding information should be clearly stated, and all non-author contributions should be acknowledged. The editor should be notified promptly if substantial mistakes or inconsistencies are discovered in a submitted manuscript or in an article that is already published.

Peer-reviewers: Any researcher who has been invited to review the manuscript should notify the editor if they believe they are not able to evaluate the submission or have a competing interest. All data concerning the manuscript must be treated as privileged information and kept private. Reviews must be conducted fairly and within a reasonable timeframe.

Editors: All editors are selected from among outstanding researchers in their respective scientific disciplines. They are responsible for managing the editorial processes of the incoming manuscripts. In order to get additional expert opinions and to assist in their decisions, editors invite external reviewers to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the article. Next, editors decide whether to accept the article for publication based on review reports and their own objective assessments. During editorial processes, editors are expected to treat all authors and manuscripts equally, without bias. All information about the text must be kept strictly secret. In the event of a competing interest, the editor must notify the managing editor to release him or her from responsibility for the work. Editors must take the appropriate steps and/or impose the appropriate consequences in the event of a malpractice. If errors are detected in published articles, the literature should be corrected by issuing appropriate correction or retraction notices. Editorial process for an article submitted by a member of the editorial board must be conducted by another editor to ensure the objectivity and transparency.

Publisher: The publisher provides the journal with the required resources, such as submission and publication portal. The publisher should take reasonable steps to protect the editorial autonomy.


Plagiarism and Malpractice Policy

Authors must avoid any unethical and improper actions such as plagiarism, simultaneous submission, fabrication, fraud authorship, copyright breaches, hiding competing interests, etc.

By submitting a work, authors certify that the submission is free of the aforementioned malpractices, the work adheres to ethical norms, applicable laws and regulations, all necessary consents, permissions, and legal documents are prepared. The authors assume full accountability for the views, results, discussions, and conclusions provided in the articles and to resolve any issues that may arise from inclusion of copyrighted content without the necessary permission. 

Plagiarism is the use of intellectual property from the existing literature, in whole or in part, by copying as is or translating from another language. Plagiarism or repetition of another text is prohibited, even if it is a prior publication by the author. As an exception, i) works derived from the author’s own university thesis; ii) preliminary studies of the author presented in a conference or as a poster will not be considered as plagiarism. Additionally, results from a database and registries of clinical studies might be repeated in more than one article. If unsure, authors should consult the editorial office before submission.

When an ethical misconduct, such as plagiarism, is discovered about a manuscript under review or a published article, editors must investigate the details of the case and take necessary actions using appropriate COPE flowcharts, even if the misconduct is discovered years after publication. In such cases, the manuscript under review may be immediately rejected, the published article may be retracted, and relevant legal bodies may be informed about the details of the case.