Response of green-gram (Vigna radiata L.) varieties to varying phosphorus levels

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  • Ravi Shanker Singh Department of Agronomy, N.D.U.A.&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.)
  • Vinod Kumar Yadav Department of Agronomy, N.D.U.A.&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad (U.P.)


A field experiment was conducted in randomized black design with four replication during the summer season of 2011 at Research Farm of NDUA&T, Kumarganj, Faizabad. The treatments included three varieties viz. NDM-1, Meha and Samrat and four phosphorus levels viz., 0, 20, 40 and 60 kg P2 O5  ha-1. Soil of the experiment al field was silty-loam in texture, poor in organic carbon, medium in nitrogen and phosphorus and rich in potassium with pH 7.6. Green-gram varieties taken as a test crop were sown using seed rate @ 30 kg ha-1. The sowing was done in lines at 30 cm × 10 cm apart on 10th march, 2011. Among varieties, NDM-1 registered significantly higher values of growth, yield attributes and yield. Application of 40 kg P2 O5  ha1 being at par with 60 kg P2O5  ha-1 produced significantly higher values of growth, yield attributes and yield. The combination of NDM-1 with 40 kg P2O5  ha-1 was found most remunerative and feasible followed by other varieties at the same levels of phosphorus.





How to Cite

Singh, R. S., & Yadav, V. K. (2016). Response of green-gram (Vigna radiata L.) varieties to varying phosphorus levels. Annals of Agricultural Research, 34(4).