Resource-use efficiency in production of groundnut in Rajasthan: an economic analysis

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  • Hemendra Singh Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, SKRAU, Bikaner (Rajasthan)
  • N.K. Singh Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, SKRAU, Bikaner (Rajasthan)
  • K.C. Bairwa Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Mandor Jodhpur-342 304 (Rajasthan)


Resource-use, groundnut, economic analysis.


Groundnut is known as king of vegetable oilseed in India. It is regarded as poor man's almonds since it contains about 25 per cent protein, 45 per cent edible oil and 26 per cent carbohydrates besides other essential nutrients. The present investigation was carried out to study the resource-use efficiency aspects of groundnut crop. Among the all factors of production seed, fertilizers, irrigation and human labour observed as key factors in production of groundnut with 78 per cent R2 value showed that the factors involved in production have great role in increasing the production of groundnut. The key factors such as seed with coefficient 0.35, fertilizers 0.23, irrigation 0.36 and human labour 0.62 indicated increases on these variables have great scope in increasing the production. The coefficients of these inputs indicated that as rupee one spent (unit) on seed, fertilizer, irrigation and human labour in production of groundnut crop would add about Rs.141, Rs. 41, Rs. 632 and Rs.40 to the value of marginal productivity in groundnut crop. Thus, investment on these input considerable amount add a value of marginal productivity in groundnut crop in the study area.





How to Cite

Singh, H., Singh, N., & Bairwa, K. (2014). Resource-use efficiency in production of groundnut in Rajasthan: an economic analysis. Annals of Agricultural Research, 35(1).